Not at all, DarkInfinity. No need to apologise

The size of a building can vary considerably, depending on wealth and age of the area. Older, poorer areas are likely to be more crowded with narrower streets than newer richer ones.

In a sense its not so much the size of the houses, but the size of the telltale little things, like chimney pots. You wouldn't want a pot that was 5' in diameter (unless you had built them so that you could use Orc children to do the chimney sweeping).

You will be able to tell if you've got the scale of things about right compared to your immediate neighbour areas the moment we start uploading our first drafts. If I have understood even just half of what Redrobes has been saying, there will be a complete city map in draft form - made up from all our drafts that we can use for visual reference and comparisons.

And remember - if all the houses are exactly the same across the entire city, then it wouldn't really be all that interesting a map to look at, so even if there are fractional differences its not really a huge concern - especially not at the first draft stage.

AND... don't imagine that you will be the only one making mistakes. I'll be right there with you most likely