I've spent a little time looking at the cliffs, but I don't want to get too carried away until my neighbours get going, so that I won't have to undo to much to match up with them to make the cliffs look good between us.

GLS - When you get started we should share borderline areas with each other like John and Kacey have. Same applies to whoever gets District 4. I've built a water extraction tower in the edge of the lake. I haven't decided how to power the pump but I might use a pair of windmills on that waterfront area and make it into a very small park of some sort. There should be plenty of water for other districts as well, but if you want a pipeline you will have to let me know where these need to cross the boundary. I think it would look interesting having them on the surface, or even as aqueducts. Depends what everyone wants

I've added a couple of trees, though I think they are probably a bit big right now. This is not a problem, since they are symbols and can be moved about and/or reduced in a matter of seconds

I've also pinned out an area for the proposed arena and decided roughly where the posh area and the orphanage are going to be.

### Latest WIP ###