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Thread: MythicRealms Map of Terrestial body and two realms.

  1. #1

    Map MythicRealms Map of Terrestial body and two realms.

    Hello everyone!
    My name is happyyasu09 and I have a group of people who are making an RPG game (not paid T_T) but very interesting in idea and lore and story itself.
    We tried hard to make a map that would have two key features: 1)Realistic geodata 2)Fantasy assets (mountains, islands etc), but we FAILED T_T
    So we are open to pay (price is opened for discussion via pm's or skype-conference) for a map with the details provided below.

    [Terrestial body]
    [Tech Description Worldmachine]
    Colormode: Greyscale 16-bit PNG Non-interlaced (0-256 colorcode), with all layers (snow, vegetation, desert etc) exported as png-mask (for later to use in WorldPainter)
    Dimensions: 70,000x40,000 (WxH), this is comfortable dimensions, but could be bigger, can't be smaller.
    Software: WorldMachine (similar software)
    WorldMachine Specific Dimensions: 70x40 km, highest point 2560 meters, water level at 650 meters. All the layer: eg. snow, desert, clay, should be exported at full scale as png-mask (black-white)

    [Tech Description Photoshop]
    Colormode: Greyscale 16-bit PNG Non-interlaced (0-256 colorcode)
    Dimensions: 70,000x40,000 (WxH), this is comfortable dimensions, but could be bigger, can't be smaller.
    Software: Photoshop/Illustrator (similar software), WM better.

    [How should it look like]
    North pole on top, South pole on bottom. Seamless option only for East/West hemispheres!
    Have one huge continent + one smaller continent for which we will give you a greyscale, which need to be redone to make it use the same water level as the whole world (seabed at 1, shore starts at 65).

    This is rough of how should continents be placed
    Lightgreen goes for main continent (twice as big as greyscale), greyscale of second continent at 8,000x7,000 pixels.
    Darkgreen goes for cold landmass, not so huge in sizes, less rivers, more hilly (natural geodata), gray area for mountain range (top is 256), white is ice shield, so making it more "flat" would be good.
    Blue between White and Darkgreen on the bottom of image is for ice walls, like South pole has.

    This is how north and south landmass should end
    So not just cut out the landmass. It's better to add 512px to top and bottom as borders. So on the image that 512 pixels would be after the mountain got really high.

    Cold\Hot Sketch
    This is really rough sketch of how does equator goes through map, it shouldn't go straight from left to right, some diagonals should be good, also if you could add a "theoretical" hot ocean stream, so you can make more realistic hot/cold division it would be better.

    [Special Requests]
    This section is for special assets that are in the lore and in ideas forms, that we really want to see on the map.
    1. Table Mountain - some kind of table mountain in a desert area would be good. Making smaller variants of it everywhere in desert would be better.
    2. Island-Fortress - some kind of man made huge island which is really close to continent. Not like super huge but huge enough.
    3. A crater - north pole has Crater, which unlink mountain range, and makes somewhat like natural gates to icy part of the world.
    4. The Edge of World mountain range - the top mountains should not be just plain mountains, they should be really higher than any other mountains, they should really look like edge of the world. Place some terraces and plains down from them so we would built cities near them.
    5. The Zoenar - massive voclano on north part of the main continent. We need that almost as high as a EoW mountains.
    6. The Delta - something like Amazon river delta or Nile river delta for a capitol of one of the kingdoms.
    7. The Akka Bay - something like Istanbul bay, would be good to have a really small island just in the center of the bay.

    [Some more images]
    This is our previous map, its really unrealistic in shape, so we didn't like it T_T

    This is sketch of an island that we want to see on the map
    Elder's Island infra.png
    Elder's Island marks.png

    This places also should have some space on a map somewhat in the middle of continent (on any of 4 of them).
    Copper's River CIty Plan.jpg

    There are two more maps that we need, smaller than first one, if you would like to do them too, we will discuss the details upon interest, as we are still preparing info for it.
    There is much of the time, as we are sorting out all the lore and stories we have, and doing other text stuff. So you have really up to 6-7 month before, we will start to need a map, even after that time, we will still have some more tasks to do.

    Copyrights and other stuff
    We can use it in our game, lore, wikia and website.
    Author has any rights to post it anywhere on his portfolio, devianart, imgur, photobucket (but the dimension should be lesser than we need, we just don't want anyone to get an image for free and use it anywhere they want).
    We wont resell it, but we can make some profit from game itself (mostly opened donations, nothing strict)

    We would also like if you could make a timelapse of major parts of your work, so we could see the progress and post it as posts, with all the links the author wants in the description section of the post.

    Thank in advance! Have a good day!)
    Last edited by happyyasu09; 01-10-2017 at 09:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    Greyscale 16-bit PNG Non-interlaced (0-256 colorcode),
    you DO know that a 16 bit grayscale image DOSE NOT have values from 0 to 255
    a 16 bit unsigned has values from 0 to 65535
    a 16 bit Signed has values from -32768 to +32767

    and why would i interlace it for vacuum tube analog green crt screen ( or vacuum tube crt analog TV - using channel 3 )

    Dimensions: 70,000x40,000 (WxH)
    at that size i would start at about $2000 USD min.

    also the rivers in the island you want DO NOT work
    the branching is backwards
    Last edited by johnvanvliet; 01-10-2017 at 03:41 PM.
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  3. #3
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Am I dreamin or the top of your previous continent (the one that looks like a rooster) is the Barbed Devil by Tom ? You working with him ?

    And the project seems effing huge !!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    you DO know that a 16 bit grayscale image DOSE NOT have values from 0 to 255
    a 16 bit unsigned has values from 0 to 65535
    a 16 bit Signed has values from -32768 to +32767

    and why would i interlace it for vacuum tube analog green crt screen ( or vacuum tube crt analog TV - using channel 3 )

    at that size i would start at about $2000 USD min.

    also the rivers in the island you want DO NOT work
    the branching is backwards
    0-256 is merely restriction means you need to use evenly spreaded 256 out of 65535, because if you will use all of the 65535 colors, importing wouldnt work at all, i mean, what will be drawn and what will be imported would be totally different, so if you just havent got made any of grayscales for various games and map editors, it doesnt mean everyone else is stupid)
    Umm, may I see your work first?) But for real 2000$ per min?) We dont really need that much of realism, 1px is 1square meter in game values, and 512px is max allowed view distance, so it doesnt need to be overdone, really.) I didnt got the idea about the rivers though, its really fantasy island, so rivers flowing from top of the mountains to the ocean are seem okay, and black one lines are not rivers - its mountain top lines) Also we would willingly pay that much of money for a person who would do all the cycle - worldmachine-geoglyph-photoshop-terraincontrol-photoshop-worldedit )))

    Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
    Am I dreamin or the top of your previous continent (the one that looks like a rooster) is the Barbed Devil by Tom ? You working with him ?

    And the project seems effing huge !!
    Umm, that one previous was really made out of head, it was made like a sketch with no normal shorelines and stuff, its merely freeform continent, maybe it does look like something relative to others work, but we had never intended to copy someones work, it might have happen that basic shape is close to that Barbed Devil by Tom. And no we are not working with him. It's seems to be very huge for a Photoshop only based work, but not huge at all for WorldMachine.
    Last edited by happyyasu09; 01-10-2017 at 10:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Tonnichiwa's Avatar
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    Hi Happyasu09.

    Welcome to the guild. I cannot say for sure about why johnvanvliet asked you if you are willing to pay around $2000.00 minimum for what you are asking but I can make a semi educated guess.

    You have asked for quite a bit of work to be done. Figuring out all of the specifics of your original post would take an enormous amount of time. That is time that the cartographer doesn't have to put towards other things in life if he is spending it all making a map. So say for instance he is working 40 hours a week on your maps, trying to get them done for you, how is he supposed to feed his family? Some of the cartographer's here make a living doing this. That means they have to charge enough to make it worth their time. If they don't do that, they starve.

    Anyway, if you guys are willing to pay that amount of money for that amount of work I don't have any doubt that you will find someone who is an excellent cartographer that can do the job for you. Just be aware, you really are asking for quite a bit of work to be done.

    I wish you luck in finding the right cartographer for the job.

  6. #6


    Perhaps you would have more luck if you split the project into stages - much smaller stages?

    You might find that people are more interested in the project if it was in chunks that were easier to handle and done over a shorter time period - main map first and so on. Just one thing at a time - not the whole thing in one shot.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    0-256 is merely restriction means you need to use evenly spreaded 256 out of 65535
    that then is a 8 bit grayscale image
    and you can not fit this
    highest point 2560 meters, water level at 650 meters.
    in a 8 bit image
    it needs to be 16 bit signed from -650 to + 2560 meters

    you really will DISLIKE the look of using a 8bit color depth on a DEM

    it will LOOK terraced or like the "stepped pyramid"

    as to worldmachine and Photoshop

    i do on use Microsoft software and have not used a Microsoft Operating system in over 10 years
    ( well a few games and wilbur using WINE )
    i kicked MS to the curb in 2004/2005

    mostly Blender for for node generated noise functions ( mountains and valleys )
    wilbur and GRASS/Qgis for time based erosion
    ( r.landscape.evol & r.terraflow )
    Gimp2.9.4 and Nip2 and Gmic( terminal software) for 16 and 32 bit HeightMaps

    small map sets are a dime a dozen a 2048x1024 or 4096x2048 can be done in one or two days or a week depending on the details
    but map sets in the 64565 x 32768 to 131072 x 65536 pixel range maps will take 6 months

    the DEM is the easiest part and that will take time , coloring it takes a lot more time
    for an example :
    the reprocessing of the C1 Synthetic aperture radar data from the Magellan spacecraft at Venus
    took 6 months for a 131072 x 65536 map

    This is really rough sketch of how does equator goes through map, it shouldn't go straight from left to right, some diagonals should be good
    you really can not do that and have it in a real mapping format
    neither "Mercator" nor "simple cylindrical" can do that and have it "work" for a planet ,that would not be able to be geo-referenced
    Parts can be mapped that way but not the whole

    but i think you have a "concept" a bit off
    i think you are thinking of the earth's tilt of 23.5 that causes the seasons
    that is not the equator line

    so expect a bit of time for all the work and a rather big price tag from whoever you get to do this
    big maps are a LOT of work and can eat up drive space

    ( the messenger Mercury data i am working on is almost 1 terabit of drive space )
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

    --- Penguin power!!! ---

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    you DO know that a 16 bit grayscale image DOSE NOT have values from 0 to 255
    a 16 bit unsigned has values from 0 to 65535
    a 16 bit Signed has values from -32768 to +32767
    and why would i interlace it for vacuum tube analog green crt screen ( or vacuum tube crt analog TV - using channel 3 )
    at that size i would start at about $2000 USD min.
    I consider this kinda rude. "WTF?" Seriously? More help, less brusqueness , especially when you deal with potential client.

    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    also the rivers in the island you want DO NOT work
    the branching is backwards
    The rivers WORK, when people learn that FANTASY world is not a REAL world. In fantasy world rivers can go uphill, can fork, can flow in circle... I know that there are rules for how certain things work in nature, but cut some slack here, you can't believe a river to fork (which also happen in our world), but you are ok with a wizard shooting fireball from his hand?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
    I consider this kinda rude. "WTF?" Seriously? More help, less brusqueness , especially when you deal with potential client.

    The rivers WORK, when people learn that FANTASY world is not a REAL world. In fantasy world rivers can go uphill, can fork, can flow in circle... I know that there are rules for how certain things work in nature, but cut some slack here, you can't believe a river to fork (which also happen in our world), but you are ok with a wizard shooting fireball from his hand?
    Thanks for trying to defend, but I think that really normal for a person to be in shock after seeing such project.

    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    that then is a 8 bit grayscale image
    and you can not fit this

    in a 8 bit image
    it needs to be 16 bit signed from -650 to + 2560 meters

    you really will DISLIKE the look of using a 8bit color depth on a DEM

    it will LOOK terraced or like the "stepped pyramid"

    as to worldmachine and Photoshop

    i do on use Microsoft software and have not used a Microsoft Operating system in over 10 years
    ( well a few games and wilbur using WINE )
    i kicked MS to the curb in 2004/2005

    mostly Blender for for node generated noise functions ( mountains and valleys )
    wilbur and GRASS/Qgis for time based erosion
    ( r.landscape.evol & r.terraflow )
    Gimp2.9.4 and Nip2 and Gmic( terminal software) for 16 and 32 bit HeightMaps

    small map sets are a dime a dozen a 2048x1024 or 4096x2048 can be done in one or two days or a week depending on the details
    but map sets in the 64565 x 32768 to 131072 x 65536 pixel range maps will take 6 months

    the DEM is the easiest part and that will take time , coloring it takes a lot more time
    for an example :
    the reprocessing of the C1 Synthetic aperture radar data from the Magellan spacecraft at Venus
    took 6 months for a 131072 x 65536 map

    you really can not do that and have it in a real mapping format
    neither "Mercator" nor "simple cylindrical" can do that and have it "work" for a planet ,that would not be able to be geo-referenced
    Parts can be mapped that way but not the whole

    but i think you have a "concept" a bit off
    i think you are thinking of the earth's tilt of 23.5 that causes the seasons
    that is not the equator line

    so expect a bit of time for all the work and a rather big price tag from whoever you get to do this
    big maps are a LOT of work and can eat up drive space

    ( the messenger Mercury data i am working on is almost 1 terabit of drive space )
    Yes, problem over here is yes, if you use standard tools (or conventional? Professional?) to create worlds, it will take months, because they would produce a lot of details, we don't really need too much of details, not like realy-realy realistic world Earth-like. That is why I pointed that WorldMachine is prefereable, as it creates chunks of 4x4km, so you are not working with pixels, you are working with a chunk itself, to create one 4x4 km basic realistic island would take you about 2 to 4 hours and it will look impressive, which will be most of the time waiting for WorldRender not changing various parameters. As others said, we could split the work, but I really am confused in what steps to split. So if you don't work with WorldMachine and Geoglyph and have never did so, then you are using different kind of programs. And you are used to it. Once again, I do understand you think we need every freaking pixel being overdone, but we really don't. LIKE REALLY. I took your point, you like perfection, we don't need perfection.

    And I really don't get where you found in any of my post that states signed from -650 to +2560, that is WorldMachine specific parameters, and 2560 will be plain white where 0 will be plain black. 650 is water level used to display water in render of WorldMachine, for an artist to see where his beaches are and stuff like that, we really don't need it to be exported, i don't really think you can export water from WM. So please don't missread my posts. You may confuse others.

    Update: or I think you think that this task is about making a realistic map with geographical info like Merkator or ones that we all can find here. No. Like NO. We don't need coloring, we don't need names places or cities placed or anything that would indicate it's a map. We need grayscale that will be used to render in game engine. Anyways, I really hate to be that person, but if you missread something don't hesitate to ask, don't just start speaking negative about a topic-starter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Perhaps you would have more luck if you split the project into stages - much smaller stages?

    You might find that people are more interested in the project if it was in chunks that were easier to handle and done over a shorter time period - main map first and so on. Just one thing at a time - not the whole thing in one shot.
    Maybe we need if we won't find WM person. Because I do understand that PH file would be like a titanic work. The WM though is not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
    Hi Happyasu09.

    Welcome to the guild. I cannot say for sure about why johnvanvliet asked you if you are willing to pay around $2000.00 minimum for what you are asking but I can make a semi educated guess.

    You have asked for quite a bit of work to be done. Figuring out all of the specifics of your original post would take an enormous amount of time. That is time that the cartographer doesn't have to put towards other things in life if he is spending it all making a map. So say for instance he is working 40 hours a week on your maps, trying to get them done for you, how is he supposed to feed his family? Some of the cartographer's here make a living doing this. That means they have to charge enough to make it worth their time. If they don't do that, they starve.

    Anyway, if you guys are willing to pay that amount of money for that amount of work I don't have any doubt that you will find someone who is an excellent cartographer that can do the job for you. Just be aware, you really are asking for quite a bit of work to be done.

    I wish you luck in finding the right cartographer for the job.
    Hi, thanks for welcome. Yes I am and my friends do understand that this is huge work. But that's why I noted that WM is prefereable (it creating 4x4km chunks at one time, so less work, and you really only need to control shapes and stuff, not like making a world from scratch by painting or even hand-painting). Thanks for wish too, but I think if we can actually split the work to make an rough continent image, that we will use for reference for WorldMachine, and try to make it by ourselves then, it might be less work to do, just to outline continents and shape of them and add features like mountains and rivers. Anyway thanks for explanation, maybe we need to refine the task to make it more possible to create in 6-7 month.
    Last edited by happyyasu09; 01-11-2017 at 01:14 AM. Reason: Added update.

  10. #10
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by happyyasu09 View Post
    Umm, that one previous was really made out of head, it was made like a sketch with no normal shorelines and stuff, its merely freeform continent, maybe it does look like something relative to others work, but we had never intended to copy someones work, it might have happen that basic shape is close to that Barbed Devil by Tom. And no we are not working with him. It's seems to be very huge for a Photoshop only based work, but not huge at all for WorldMachine.
    That's one hell of a coincidence
    Capture d’écran 2017-01-11 à 06.55.25.jpg

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