Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
It's looking good John. I'm looking forward to browsing over it when you complete it. Especially if it ends up anything like Haerlech!
Let's hope it doesn't take as long as Haerlech
Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Oh, this is looking very cool already! I love the haunted grove in the ruined parts... apropos Haerlech, you know the single leaves in the grove's trees have to be recognizable!
I thought perhaps here that I might try a new type of work, i like to call it molecular drawing
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
You're already giving life to it with this... And I'm jealous again.
I've already seen so many cool threads started for this Guildcity - It's going to be awesome.
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Its already looking both wonderfully complicated with a lot of detail, and a lovely place to live
Thank you Mouse. I hope you got a good nap in. I finally got a good full night's sleep last night.
I needed it. Was getting like 5 hours, which was just not enough. But, I'm nicely rested.
Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
This is looking great J. I was hoping for some forest beyond the wall so my scientists, and horticulturalists might have some interesting plants, and animals to study, and do research on.
And thanks for linking it back to me that was really helpful.
Perhaps an old cemetery in that ancient section? would be a good place to dispose of all the failed experiments coming out of my military medical research facility... you know, like most of my WIP threads that never get finished.
Yeah, technically it is outside of the section... but I'm gonna do it anyways
We should have some cool trees and plants and such down there.
And yep, we can get some cemetery action going on down in that area too.

Okay, got a few buildings laid in and having some fun doing a bit more.
This is going to be a shadow nightmare but will look cool.
I am thinking that I might have some law offices and maybe a court building in here somewhere.
We'll see. I have some other fun locations planned as well.
### Latest WIP ###
Section 14_alt1 test3.jpg