Sorry - tired - didn't see your comments!

Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
From the documentation I've read on it CC3+ does not use any RAM from a video card. I'm not really computer savvy enough to know exactly what effect that has on anything but I know that about a month ago someone came on to the Profantasy forums and asked about how to up the memory that CC3+ uses. I think Remy Monsen, one of the dev's over there, told her how to do it. I just don't recall what was said.
I don't remember that thread. Who was that then?

Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
A possible solution could be to render the individual things separately and then assemble them in the final image. ie you'd take your Compass rose building and render that separately and then just import that as a finished object? Not sure if I made much sense there...
That's kind of what we do when we make a symbol. A symbol is just a bitmap we paste into the map. Its referenced once by the software and all the multiple copies of it are then just referenced to that one original copy. That's how we get away with such tiny files. A CC3+ file is rarely more than about a MB. Merelan City was only 2 MB.

The software comes with lots of ready made symbols. I make a lot of my own in CorelDraw and Corel Photopaint. I am in the middle of making a new building set of my own. I was taking short cuts, and I knew I was probably going to crash it if I pushed it too far. I just forgot that I'd switched the autosave off!

Have to go to bed!