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Thread: WIP - Quick and Dirty City Street

  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer ajrittler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Wip WIP - Quick and Dirty City Street

    Hi all, it's been a few months since I've had the time to work on anything but was able to get this little map started.

    A little background on this one. I needed a map of a city street for my monthly D&D session (which happens to be tonight). It's a neighborhood of close houses, with yards and a small "shopping district". I've only spent about 2.5 hours on this so it's very early. My main concern for tonight was getting the basic layout down and a few key buildings. I have a couple of long buildings with three fireplaces on the roof - I think they don't fit so they'll be getting removed with building more appropriate. There are four "flat roof" buildings along the west (left side), those are the key locations for my actual game. A long way off but it's a start.

    Anyway let me know what you think or if you've got some thoughts.

    Initial Draft
    citystreet1.0 - low.png

    Current Draft

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer ajrittler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    I had a few minutes to work on this last night. Not much, about another hour or so. Didn't accomplish a lot, added some more color to the trees and drew in some roof texture. I'm still not very good with my pen, but I did figure something out last night on my last house. Typically I keep my image about 100% and draw. On my last house (the square terracotta building toward the bottom left) I decided to zoom in...A LOT. Made drawing (for me) so much easier and I think this roof turned out ok.

    I'll be re-drawing most of the roof texture again and swapping some houses in and out. I'd like to make the houses in the neighborhood more "uniform" (as in, most are the same style house)

    Anyway, take a look and give me some feedback.

    Current Draft
    citystreet3.1 - low.png

  3. #3


    That's coming along really nicely, AJ

    How about (and this is just an idea) making some very, very faint suggestions of hedges and fences to divide the gardens a bit more?

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer ajrittler's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    That's coming along really nicely, AJ

    How about (and this is just an idea) making some very, very faint suggestions of hedges and fences to divide the gardens a bit more?
    Thanks Sue!

    Oh yeah, I plan on putting in hedges, fences and plenty of other details. Still have to work on the actual "ground" too. For now I'm just trying to find a "structure placement" that works (and house style). Most of the structures along the left and right will be pulled out and more "flat roof" buildings added in there place.

    So far I'm having fun with it and I'm happy that I may have finally figured out something that works for me while using a pen.

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