Quote Originally Posted by Pixie View Post
You call this a sketch, I call this a map... Looking great!
Well, I will concede to it being a sketchy sort of map. Thanks Pixie!

Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
This is a great layout, and the drawing is beautiful - as always
I had to giggle when I noticed your little dragon helper peeping over the edge!
Hehehe Thanks Mouse! I am not so sure about the layout... but I am trying.

Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
I guess your sketch will put my entry to shame Great work !
I doubt it. Yours will be great!

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is looking fantastic already!!
I'll be sad if the little dragon doesn't make in the final version.
Hahaha, well, we will see.

Quote Originally Posted by Poison View Post
Hello, neighbour-from-across-the-water! Your map is looking great already, the way the buildings are laid out is very natural. Curious to see where it goes from here!

I don't think we have much to coordinate between us, unless we want to fight over the hex code for the water
Halloooo! And thanks! It is a struggle. I am really curious to see what you get up to over there... I loved that lite challenge map you just finished!

Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
This is already very cool. I can't wait to see where you take it.
Will there be a dragon home or dragon cave anywhere?
There just might be that. I am still considering options.