Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
Hearing voices in your own head isn't really insanity. It's when you start hearing the ones in others' heads when you should worry
That would be quite worrying, yes. Quite. Nods firmly.
Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
This is looking fantastic John. You are making me want to scrap mine and draw it all by hand. Sadly I have no idea how to add color to a drawing and make it look decent without using CC3 so I would end up with just some building outlines. Are you going to add a the Monastery of Exotic Cheeses? I hear they practice an esoteric martial art where they take two hexagon cheese graters and connect them together with a chain.
If you decided to go the hand drawn route and needed any help with doing the color with a pen/pencil drawing, I would gladly help, as would others, I am sure.

Those are rumors spread by other governments trying to disparage the good name and peaceful nature of the Casein Monks, who it is well known are nonviolent. Yes, nonviolent.
There will be many interesting twists and story plot turns in this map. I am preparing a bit right now to post that has new locations and some road names and such in it.
Good stuff. Might be in an hour or so, maybe.