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Thread: Creating topography map

  1. #1

    Question Creating topography map

    Hello, i'm making a map for my fantasy setting and still don't know how to make a topography map like this for example:

    How they've done these realistic "satellite map" style? I've seen a couple of tutorials, but there was not actually what i want.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    You can download DEM - thats Digital Elevation - models of real world areas by going to many places such as nasa or similar. Theres links around. If you want to get hold of height map data for a fictional world then you usually have to create it. You can either start to build that or create a world that is more random but somewhat realistic. Programs for that may include Fractal Terrains or Wilbur. Loads of tuts on them as well.

    But have a search for DEM, HeightMap, SRTM as a few keywords.

    If that doesnt cover what you need specifically then maybe post more about what your looking for.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    do you have a place map and land map ?
    if so a Height map can be created

    i posted a basic way for one type

    but depending on what you have ????

    i normally START with a height map and than go from there

    this is easier than doing things backwards

    As for the image of the Earth you posted , that was created using GIS software ,and using likely the SRTM ( Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ) data .
    the height information was then colored
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  4. #4


    do you have a place map and land map ?
    if so a Height map can be created

    but depending on what you have ????
    I have only contours and another stuff, like cities, kingdoms, etc. All i've made in inkscape.

    i posted a basic way for one type

    i normally START with a height map and than go from there

    this is easier than doing things backwards
    I've read yours tutorial, but i've not understand all of it. Like what is the masks? Layers with only rivers/mountains/flat?

    As for the image of the Earth you posted , that was created using GIS software ,and using likely the SRTM ( Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ) data .
    the height information was then colored
    So, its only way to make this is use special programs?

  5. #5

    Default ss

    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    do you have a place map and land map ?
    if so a Height map can be created

    i posted a basic way for one type

    but depending on what you have ????

    i normally START with a height map and than go from there

    this is easier than doing things backwards

    As for the image of the Earth you posted , that was created using GIS software ,and using likely the SRTM ( Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ) data .
    the height information was then colored
    I have only map with contours and stuff like cities and kingdom made in inkscape. I've tried to use fractal terrains, but it so complicated. I can't load my map and draw over it, i cant even save the generated world in png/jpeg cause program saves map only in 128*128 even i changing resolution on 1000*1000 for example. So i don't understand how to work in it.

    I've read your tutorial. What you mean by mask? It's just layers with only rivers/mountains?

  6. #6
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    if you have some contour lines then you can fill them in with a grey scale
    like from this post

    in the second image on post 7 i used the existing tones from the first post

    then used Wilbur
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  7. #7
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_john View Post
    I've tried to use fractal terrains, but it so complicated. I can't load my map and draw over it, i cant even save the generated world in png/jpeg cause program saves map only in 128*128 even i changing resolution on 1000*1000 for example. So i don't understand how to work in it.
    The Fractal Terrains demo is limited to 128x128 resolution for outputs. The full (paid) version does not have that limit.

  8. #8
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
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    If you have a general idea of how you want your land and if you have access to a computer with photoshop, then this tutorial I wrote a while back could be useful:

    I've recently worked on some stuff that took maps like the one you mention as style references. I was proud of them and shared them on the finished maps section here at the guild - have a look and if you're interested, I can explain the process or parts of it.

  9. #9


    Thanks to all, i've found more easiest way and composed a map with screens from google maps and then mixed it with cloud layer, like in one video on youtube. Not looks like real satellite map, but close.

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