Well that just figures.. I got my map posted literally one minute too late. Bah!
Archean League --- Gamerprinter
Rush Job --- Jkaen
Artistically Challenged --- Valarian
Speed Challenge --- ravells
The Artic Circle --- Redstar
Skippers' Lament --- Torq
Rackham Gap --- Ascension
The Realms of Tlacopoxtla --- NeonKnight
Not the fastest one --- Sagenlicht
Khuutath --- Steel General
A'Jhön Empire --- delgondahntelius
Staughton Coast, Thrimbal Channel --- MountZionRyan
Multitest --- waldronate
The Broken Coast --- jfrazierjr
The Weathered Coast --- gtrlarry
Rhawa --- Ghostman
in my style --- joão paulo
Tir na Mor Rioghna --- nemojbatkastle
Generic Fun --- dorpond
Brightshore Peninsula --- Patrakis
Newstyle hex --- RobA
Buncklebury --- jezelf
Nuke it from Orbit --- loydb
Planetary Survey --- mmmmmpig
an undersea map --- alucard339
September's Monthly Challenge is at an end and the time to vote has arrived.
We will be implementing a system of votes based on the 1/5 the number of entries. So this month we have 29 entries, so you can vote for five (5) maps. The poll is open, so everyone will be able to see the voting. The Guild thanks you for you patronage and votes as well as wishes all of the entrants a hearty GOOD LUCK!
The thumbnail view, courtesy of RedRobes, is located here:
September 08 Thumbnails
This month's Rules & Guidelines:
--Entry Notes--We have produced a map attached below which could use some improvement (it was drawn by RobA after all). Your challenge is to translate the attached map into your very own style. Change the colours, symbols and text and make this map your own. Make it 3d, or draw it on paper: intricate or simple - it is up to you.
By way of explanation:
The big magenta hexagon is a city
The small magenta hexagons are towns
The greeny yellow smudges are marshes
The bright green smudges are forests
The pointy lines are mountains
The rounded lines are hills
The blue lines are rivers
North is at about 11 o'clock.
Each edge of the map is 100 miles.
We would like voters to vote for the map which has the most individual style in which all the elements of the map work together to form a pleasing whole. As this contest is about individuality, all contestants should list with their map any elements used which were not created by them.
The following aren't on the poll because they either dropped out or their last posted entry was clearly incomplete.
•Trasgarian tears --- Morshwan
•Contour Crazy --- Redrobes
•The Saga of Oath-Bound Men --- Lord
•First Time --- bryguy
•an undersea map --- alucard339 (as of this edit) this map isn't on the thumbnail page.... so I've provided a link here: http://www.cartographersguild.com/showthread.php?t=3003
Last edited by Badger; 09-26-2008 at 05:17 PM. Reason: move the number of votes we get to top of post
Well that just figures.. I got my map posted literally one minute too late. Bah!
Yeah! First vote! Whoo hoo... Waiting to see just how many people vote this month considering the number of entries...
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
Man I hope I didn't screw that poll up
.. or people are gonna be PEEved at me
Voted for the five entries who I felt had the most individual style. One thing I've noted this month is that a lot of the Photoshop maps, while being extremely good, ended up being fairly similar. That can count against the voting this month as we scoring individual style.
See Ravs, it's not just Campaign Cartographer maps that can become similar
It's going to be interesting to see what a five vote spread'll do to the figures.
Google Groups for FGII Games:
European FG2 RPG - Fridays & Sundays (8pm UK time)
Using Ultimate FGII and can accept unlicensed player connections on some of the games
Interesting to see so far (only 5 votes in admitedly) there hasn't emerged a clear favourite yet
That was a tough vote. I too tried to focus on style, but so many deserved attention. Hats off to everyone who entered.
Bummer Del, I guess my subliminal message in the marshes must have been too obscure to read...![]()
My Finished Maps
Works in Progress(or abandoned tests)
My Tutorials:
Explanation of Layer Masks in GIMP
How to create ISO Mountains in GIMP/PS using the Smudge tool
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.