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Thread: 21 - Monastery of Realisminites and its vicinities [Pixie]

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  1. #1


    It all looks very complicated, but well sorted out to me

  2. #2
    Guild Artisan Pixie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Oh, no, not complicated at all - 3 exits from the walled city facing east and there are 4 destinations you can go to, if traveling eastward out of the walls. So, I just imagined what route people would normaly take as they cross section 21.

    Anyway, it's the kind of things that capture my attention but hardly anyone else's. On to more important stuff, updates! I've been very short on time, I wished I had plenty more by now...

    ### Latest WIP ###
    Section 21 _wip_03.jpg

    Significant changes/evolutions:
    - orangey tiled roofs is the trend at Guild City and I'm all in. I'm also experimenting with a texture from Mouse, only visible (if barely) on the roofs of the churches in the center.
    - following the discussions on suitable architecture and current trends, I changed some houses from the original sketch, to include flat roofs and not just tiled. This kind of roofs are very handy in warm and semi-arid climates, to dry stuff using the sun (for example, grain, chickpeas, etc)
    Last edited by Pixie; 01-25-2017 at 07:35 PM.

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