Cheers Damon -

I'll take on board the pointers... highlighting the walls could help, you speak wisdom with the comment about contrast. I found when sharing with friends on Facebook that the white page background made the image way too dark to view.

I'm working my way towards adding details, working out methods for the light effects was one of the latest moves I made. Eventually I hope to be able to add in furniture and fixtures as overlays. So I suspect I'll be aiming to just do room layouts as mapping without contents.

I am using Photoshop for the colouring, lighting and props, walls and shadows. I draw my own slabs on the IOS Adobe draw, getting vector based grids for my stone work.

I'm coming at this as a technical exercise, working smart to make the most of the software. So my layer effects are doing most of the work getting the style I'm after.

I'll share a brighter (better contrasted image) that uses many of the same method.