Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
The thing I don't care for is how blurred a lot of the background textures are. You should have plenty of higher resolution textures you could use.
Greetings, Bogie!

I agree with your point completely! When I still lived in the U.S., I can remember that one sometimes said that a camel is nothing other than a horse designed by a committee. The shortcoming that you point out here applies not only to this map but also to a number of others published by the Vintyri Project. It's my job in the project group to do the public work, including posting the Map of the Week here. But three of us make these maps. They aren't all my work, as it seems up front. My colleagues think it's acceptable to limit resolution to that necessary to get a good computer printer page on 8½ x 11 paper. I think for users who want to custom edit our maps (which a number of people do with maps in the native format of the maps), we could do better. However, the majority opinion disagrees and isn't interested in adding stronger resolution to our mandatory map style guidelines. As a result, some of our cartographic horses will continue to be camels.

Nonetheless, your point is excellent, and I certainly will pass it on. Thanks for the comment!