Ah, a fellow roleplayerWelcome on the CG! The best place for maps and all that you need to know about them
Tell us a bit more about your rpg rules and setting. I'm always interested to hear what others are brewing up!
Hi all!
I've long been into game design, as a constant GM with a somewhat fanatical love of the tabletop RPG genre. I have recently started work on writing my own system and setting, which I hope to make commercial available some time in the future (likely through kick-starter as this is currently a solo-project). I found this website while researching advice on designing my own world-map and am eager to discuss ideas with anyone here; it is also quite likely that I will be in the market to commission more professional map-work than I am capable of myself at some time in the future, though in the interests of fairness I probably won't seek this out until I am closer to launching a kickstarter campaign so that no-one is waiting too long for payment!
I look forward to having some great conversations here!
Ah, a fellow roleplayerWelcome on the CG! The best place for maps and all that you need to know about them
Tell us a bit more about your rpg rules and setting. I'm always interested to hear what others are brewing up!
I'm trapped in Darkness,
Still I reach out for the Stars
Hi Pyrosorc! I'm a GM too, so I hope you feel right at home here. I've found a lot of useful info in this community, and there are A LOT of rpg mapmaking enthusiasts here. If you want to talk about rpg design, send me a msg! I'm a game designer, and one of my favorite things I've ever created is a fantasy rpg book & world (unpublished).