Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Is there a way of painting in textures in GIMP?

I have all these lovely stone and grass textures I've made for myself to use on this map, and no way of using them right at the moment.

Sure. I do a lot of texture work in GIMP. There are several ways, I usually open the texture as a new layer placed above the layer I want textured, add a black layer mask to the texture (which renders the layer invisible) and then paint in the mask with white to make the texture appear exactly where I want it. Since those textures are usually about 512x512 seamless, you may have to move the layer around a bit first.

You could also paint your texture into the original layer with the clone tool or bucket fill, but I never do that as that allows for no changes if I change my mind later on. My advice is to always use a separate layer.

If you need further instructions, let me know and I'll try to help. I'm no GIMP professional but I usually get it to work - one way or another.

And since we are complaining about our hardware; I use a dual core CPU from 2008, a graphics chip from 2004 and 3 GB RAM. Ancient hardware. But the GIMP manages. My current project is roughly 6000x5000 with over a 100 layers. Not all of them image size, of course, but still.

Lovely map, by the way. You're really good. I've checked your albums yesterday and was quite impressed with what I saw. I wanted to rep some of your work, but I don't think I was able to. Not in the albums anyway.

