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Thread: 15 - [Inner] The Ward of Erahum [Mouse]

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  1. #1


    LOL! I've never had the money to have more than one functioning PC before now, and something similar happened to my last desktop. The cooling fan failed when I was sleeping through an 18 hour render of a Blender animation scene. I too had smoke, and nearly set the flat on fire!

    Anyway... back to the map...

    I'm still working out the exact technique to use. I was working on the map in GIMP last night and once I got to grips with this mask idea it occurred to me that I could do this like a painting in textures - making use of the fact that the GIMP map is a bitmap rather than a CC3 vector drawing and actually have flat plates of all the textures I'm going to use stacked up and invisible, then simply paint everything into existence like I would with oils on a canvas.

    Now I just need to work out what order to stack the texture plates in to make this relatively easy, and render the textures from their existing sheets in CC3 (to keep all the scale and HSL adjustments I've made in CC3)

    EDIT: As for the current situation with data storage, I might reconsider the suspicious regard with which I view all Cloud arrangements, since that would be the most permanent way of protecting it (even if its not the most secure)

    John - thanks for that advice. I will see about putting it into action later today
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-08-2017 at 10:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    How did the PSU blow up and how did it fry the HHD's? Did it surge the power to them when it fried? That sounds expensive.
    I was sat there then BANG and the magic smoke that makes the elves work so hard came out and then the elves went on strike. Even when I housed those striking elves in a new facility they didnt want to go back to work. And yes, hiring some more elves was quite expensive. But they were quite old so I found some younger ones who were willing to work hard so long as I provided them with a cold bath.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    LOL! I've never had the money to have more than one functioning PC before now, and something similar happened to my last desktop. The cooling fan failed when I was sleeping through an 18 hour render of a Blender animation scene. I too had smoke, and nearly set the flat on fire!EDIT: As for the current situation with data storage, I might reconsider the suspicious regard with which I view all Cloud arrangements, since that would be the most permanent way of protecting it (even if its not the most secure) I will see about putting it into action later today
    You can get a raspberry pi for £4 now. Alright, you need a keyboard and some leads and maybe a monitor if you dont have a TV compatible etc but thats pretty cool. I have been buiding up a couple this year and last. Ok I dont think they would work with Gimp on a large map all that well and I would not recommend them for a laptop / desktop replacement for any number of reasons but they are cool bits of kit. I have been porting my app to linux and I have run my dice app on them ok, VDale has a ways to go but it runs under wine ok but you need the desktop environment for that. But more generally, PC prices have come down to amazingly low levels and the memory prices per Gig is really low. I think its only the Windows bloat that means you need a 16Gb ram machine or whatever. 4Gb should be enough for most things as a 16K pixel square image uncompressed is 1Gb. But other people seem to do things differently to me so YMMV.

    Encrypt your zip file and load it to dropbox and you will be fine. No security issues then. I personally dont use cloud storage either but if I was stuck and needed to back up data that is what I would do.

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