Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
I like the layout and the color scheme so far.
There's a nice disbursement of buildings. I like the round one top left.
If you have any questions that go beyond the Haerlech wip thread or need any further clarification, just ask.
I have been busy with work recently so I may have to follow the thread so I can keep up in case of questions.
Hi! Touched that you'd poke your head in and give feedback. I will definitely take you up on asking questions, though I'll try to do that here so that everyone benefits.

Just as a kind of a base point, here's some reference in terms of what I'm starting with and what I'm hoping to accomplish and improve, other than simply using your process:

- The WIP thread for the original map

And here's the map with some specific notes:


1. The High District is for the well-off citizens of Westbar, but the density of this area feels off and the building outlines are awful. I've been trying to find reference for "Fantasy/Medieval Architecture for Privileged Members of Society That Don't Have Castles", but that's a hell of a google search. (As you can see from the WIP image in the intro post, I'm already trying to address this but I'm still not satisfied.)

2. With this new approach to the map, I'm going to have to actually think about the land surrounding the town and how the transition works between the city limits and the wilderness.

3. Similar to Note #1 - the Garrison and Council on the island need to be visually interesting and that means giving considerable thought to their architecture.

4. This transition between super-dense residential/commercial areas and farms is bad.