I bought a second hand graphics tablet and I love it. There's a Wacom Bamboo CTL-471 Touch for sale in Penrith for $72 from the same chain I got mine from https://au.webuy.com/product.php?sku...A#.WJme_t-YFCV
You might get it cheaper if you dress up as Darryl and tell them they're dreamin![]()
It occurs to me that 'only down the road' is such a variable term. For starters it varies wildly for Australians and Brits. The Australian JRD (Just Down the Road) radius is, I'd imagine, quite a lot greater than the UK one. The time it takes may be similar but you can cover a greater distance as the crow flies as our roads aren't particularly straight, despite the Romans' best efforts. The time it takes may also vary quite a lot. I bet there are people in NT or WA whose definition of JDR are different to city dwellers from Sydney's urban sprawl or Melbourne. Then there are factors such as how much an excursion is needed/wanted. Someone in Alice Springs might think a day out at the beach is worth a 4 day trip, whereas here in the UK we're really not much more than 2 hours away from the coast, or about half the time someone in NT may consider it is worth driving to buy a bottle of milk for their cornflakes. Yet there are people living in places in the Midlands who think that the coast is too far away for them to visit.
Anyway sorry to go off topic in your thread with my rambling musings.
100% correct. Though in this case JDR is a 10 minute drive. Like you said some folk in the NT consider a 4-5 hour drive just down the road.
Haha! What are the chances of that? Finding something for sale on the other side of the world that's 10 minutes from where you live!
@Straf. I thought that tablet looked familiar. ALDI here in Oz had them on special just before X-Mas for about $40AUD I think, I was going to get one but ummed and ahhed too long and they were gone. Surprise, surprise.
The dual map is a fantastic idea. And the notes are great. "Here be dragons", lol.![]()
This is a type of map I could imagine being in a video game like The Witcher and the like. Well done, mate! \m/