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Thread: Atlas Elyden #16 - the Secular Republic of Parthis

  1. #1
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Default Atlas Elyden #16 - the Secular Republic of Parthis

    Yes, I've been away for a while - Christmas and new year is always difficult to keep the creative juices flowing, with family obligations, though this is the first new post of many over the coming year that will see the Inner Sea region fully-mapped!

    This is a map of Parthis and surrounding areas, and took a long time to get done. This was one of those large maps covering a large area - much larger than the average map, so took longer. The topography in the bottom left took a while to get right, also, though I'm pleased with it (it's inspired by folded mountains in Afghanistan and thereabouts). Looking at it finished though the terrain seems quite boring and uniform. I'm thinking of elevating part if it to make it less green exterior and yellow interior (id expand the yellow areas to the N-W and N-E to form higher 'plateaus'.

    Parthis - small.jpg

    What follows is a generic description of the region:

    Parthis is many things to many different people. It has been a rival to the Korachani empire for millennia, managing to oust it as major superpower in the Inner Sea over the past few centuries. To those jaded and discontented by warring religions and cults it is a secular haven, one of only few of such size and power. It is a centre of flesh-weaving, and is to that art what Korachan is to technarcana. To its rivals, it is a godless land whose profane chirurgeons mess with natural laws. To its supporters, it is an answer to a corrupt ancient order that has reached its death-pangs

    Parthis as a secular republic appeared almost 1,500-years ago from the ruins of civil war where 2 kings opposed each other. Before this the region was known as Parthia, before this it was part of the Seven States of Azora. Before that it was known as The Parria. Before that it was Sama Paria. Before even that one of the greatest city states of the mythic world, and ancestral home of humans - Azer - was located there. The people of Parthis draw their roots back to this ancient time and are proud of such a long and ardent lineage.

    The people of Parthis are amongst the most educated around the Inner Sea, with highly-literate merchants, and diplomats who have studied in some of the most regarded colleges in the known world. Slavery was abolished there in 3794 RM, making it the only major nation around the Inner Sea to do so. Its capital, Tethra, is a marvel of design and architecture and is dominated by an awe-inspiring administrative structure that can be seen from without its walls and acts as a beacon to outsiders and citizens alike.

  2. #2


    Another nice one Vorro! Tantalum, what a name for a city !

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Another nice one Vorro! Tantalum, what a name for a city !
    I hate it when people do winky wink posts like this as it makes me think that there's something i missed when making an area. I know Tanatalum as metal that doesn't corrode much. Is there something I''m missing, or am i just paranoid? :p

  4. #4


    Or maybe its just soooo rude that we can't even tell you right here

    (EDIT: Only kidding! )

    Another great looking map
    Last edited by Mouse; 02-20-2017 at 01:34 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected vorropohaiah's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Or maybe its just soooo rude that we can't even tell you right here

    (EDIT: Only kidding! )

    Another great looking map
    well google has bit showed me anything so I must be safe... I must be.

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