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Thread: 13 - District 13 [Kacey]

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  1. #1


    Still looking great !
    About those lines, it could be either a result of an effect layer with the others, or maybe a thing you missed when correcting it (I mean, have you checked your past saves?). Sometimes, I think I have corrected a thing, but I miss a corner or border stuff, and sometimes, I didn't actually save the corrections, so it keeps coming.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Hi Kacey

    The map is looking as beautiful as ever, despite the green line.

    I'm assuming you mean the very very pale green haze at the bottom of the image? I've no idea what it might be, but how did you fix it all those other times. Surely it wasn't necessary to replace the background texture several times?

    I don't use PS, and I'm only a GIMP novice, but in CC3 I would start by switching off all the sheet effects, which I think would be equivalent to making a copy and deleting all the effects - shadows, bevels etc. That probably is nowhere near as easy in PS as it is in CC3, so I guess the next best thing is hiding the layers one at a time - which I guess you have already tried anyway, which is how you know its something to do with the parchment layer?

    What kind of effects do you have on that layer?

    (and here I have to apologise for the fact that I'm going out right away after writing this comment so I may be some time in getting back to you, even if you respond in only a few minutes - but maybe it will get the ball rolling for someone else to figure it out )
    Thanks Mouse, and yes I did replace the background texture several times, it's very annoying, but it fixes the problem until I save it again, I don't have any effects on that layer, and it's at the very bottom of the stack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    The map is looking great. That line is pretty weird though. Have you gone through the layers one by one to see if it really is just on the parchment layer? Perhaps try deleting that layer entirely (not just the image on it) and then redo it (unless that is already what you've done)? Alternatively you could try making a new file and then moving all the layers over one by one, although that seems like it would be super laborious. To me that line looks like it is a layer in itself, since it looks like its under the border, perhaps you've got a layer that is cropped to that area and is adding an effect to the parchment. Have you tried replacing the parchment with a different parchment file?
    Thanks Falconius, the line is definitely weird I've never had anything like this happen before, and I've used this texture several times. I turned off all the layers one, by one to find the problem, and it's definitely the texture layer, I can even clone it out on that layer, and it fixes it that way too, but it keeps coming back, maybe the file is corrupted some how idk. I thought about making a new document, and moving all the layers like you sad, but I'm hoping to avoid it, it would be a real pain to line it all back up again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
    Still looking great !
    About those lines, it could be either a result of an effect layer with the others, or maybe a thing you missed when correcting it (I mean, have you checked your past saves?). Sometimes, I think I have corrected a thing, but I miss a corner or border stuff, and sometimes, I didn't actually save the corrections, so it keeps coming.
    Thanks Ilanthar, I've saved, and saved, and saved again, and turned off all the layers except that one, and it's still there, and if I keep all the other layers on, and turn off just the background layer then it disappears...I don't know why it keeps coming back, I guess it will remain a mystery.

    Good news is I'm able to correct it, and save it as a jpeg to post here, it's just that when I save the psd and go to work on it again it will be back. I think I'll just leave it for now, and when I'm totally finished the map I'll fix it for the final jpeg version... It's annoying, but it's not the end of the world.

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