Thanks, guys !

By Mouse
It was only yesterday you were talking about doing it, and now its already a good way done by the look of it, though I think I would have to avoid that sudden drop, and remember not to drink too much before walking around in your district! LOL!
Are you intending to use the same sorts of rendering techniques as Falconius?
Well, I'm now cursing myself for not doing a flat plateau... And even drunk, you're safe if you're not on the edges... Except that the locals are strongly against alcoholic beverages.
I'll probably just use it for shadows and base for my future map, as well as a few illustrations (maybe). I don't really like the basic textures of SK.

By Falconius
Looks great so far! I am a big fan of that 'factory' looking building you've got there.
There are going to be a few more factories/workshops.

NI view1.jpg
NI view2.jpg