Couldn't stop myself from going ahead and making some changes based on my own comments. Shrank some and emboldened others.
Californio WIP_V2 copy.jpg
Hey all!
Any comments on this one?
There is a lot of text in some places and hard to squeeze it all in. Suggestions on that are particularly welcome.
Workflow for the map has been:
1) ink drawing of coast and mountains, with ink wash painted water lines
2) ink calligraphy on separate sheet of paper
3) scan both 1 n 2 and arrange appropriately, with fine tuning PS edits
Californio WIP copy.jpg
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer
Couldn't stop myself from going ahead and making some changes based on my own comments. Shrank some and emboldened others.
Californio WIP_V2 copy.jpg
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer
Also! I learned a new PS trick that is pretty great. When using burn and dodge changing between midtones, shadows, highlights to get the best effect. Keeping that one in the pocket!!
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer
Looks good -- I always love a hand-drawn map. In your most recent version I think the tribe names are a little too bold -- they end up with really thick lines that contrast a lot with the thinner lines of larger labels like "Alta California." Also, I think the river names would look better if they were closer to the rivers.
Thanks for the comments Mapsburgh. I think you're right about the too bold font. I'll try moving river names too, that wasn't anywhere near my radar.
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer
Ok. I decided to scrap much of the text and try again. On the initial versions (despite doing calligraphy on a separate sheet) I tried to get the text close to the actual size. Expressive calligraphy gets difficult at 12pt font! This round I did larger calligraphy and reduced the size digitally. Any new comments?
Californio WIP_V3 copy.jpg
on instagram at cuin_the_cartographer