Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
This is another lovely new style, Voolf, and well worth developing

In future renditions it might help to actually fill out the forests with tree tops at the same density as the edges, but that's only how I would have done it... if I was as good at drawing as you are!

I agree with jfrazierjr, in that the coastline is the worst part of the map (if such a great little map could even be said to have a 'worst part'). To develop the style maybe consider punctuating the coastline with a couple of much higher cliffs, and also couple of sandy bays where the sand just runs right up into the grass of the land?

Those are just a couple of ideas, though. It is, as I have already said, a great little map
The same density as the edge? I don't think i understand that. Wouldn't that just force me to fill all the area with trees?
As for the coasts, i actually tried make a beach or lower elevation, but could not do it right. As you have noticed, i have to work on this style. I dont know how to depict everything well yet. Thanks for suggestions.

Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
A wonderful little piece! Yes, the there could be a bit more variation of the cliffs along the coast, and yes, the line-work for the houses seems inordinately straight. Those issues aside this is a very attractive little piece with strong-line-work. I particularly like the style of your grass and hills. That compass rose is very cool as well. Very nice work.

Thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by BlindBlake View Post
I agree, the buildings edges don't bother me that much, and I actually like the coastline, it's really a wonderful map.
I will try to work on builldings too next time.