Hello people,

I've checked in every once in a while and admired the creativity and skill on display here. Actually it is a RL friend's passion I am here to share, if passively. Since he visibly pours some heart in and since I have a taste for art in general I enjoy keeping track. Now I feel it makes sense to comment right here if it is maps I comment, so I created an account. Not sure whether I'll actually comment all that much, considering my lacking expertise.

Perhaps I do anyway, as my talkative nature frequently gets the better of me. In any case I work my mind when seeing art. That's true even if all the input to chew on is trashy TV shows or other nonsense - all the more if there is actual content to reflect. Often times I'd point out the negative, being a critic, so as to further an already beloved piece. Ever since I prevented my drama group in school from choosing a play I'd have liked, simply by pointing out its gravity and all the ensuing difficulties, I make an effort not to be misunderstood... Sometimes it doesn't work though. Please bear with me!

On this note I got to pay my respects here: apart from the artwork it is not least the friendly and constructive mindset that appears ever-present here which makes this community as appealing as I feel it is.

As far as my own work is concerned all I've got going there are a few pencil-drawn maps for RPG purposes. Perhaps the few maps I've drawn could even count as pretty decent for an average gamemaster - certainly not in comparison to the high standards over here. I doubt that I'll be very constructive in that regard, partly because I rarely master the game, being a player most of the time. In any case it did not take long to realize how much more immersive RPGs become with even the simplest of maps to sink one's teeth in. In fact that may be most visible when considering the immersion a good map inspires even without any RPG involved.

So err... that's basically it.
May the muse kiss you all over - I'll be here to enjoy the results ^^