This is such an awesome story, and a really nice looking result. Bravo!
Hi all.
I was staying in a backpackers' hostel in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, over the weekend, and the owner and I got into a conversation. Long story short, when he found out that I do illustration for a living, he offered me free accommodation in exchange for decorating a canvas he had.
This is the result of that effort, along with a couple of progress shots.
The canvas was approximately 2m x 1.3m and I used only pencil and whiteboard marker (the owner and I talked about someone else colouring it one day). The whole image was completed in a day.
As always, feel free to drop a comment, spend some rep, give us a thumbs up (figuratively), or roll your eyes!
PS: if you're ever in a hostel in Honduras and you see this picture, it'd be great to see what's been done with it
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
This is such an awesome story, and a really nice looking result. Bravo!
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
That's a nice way to pay for your stay ! And that's a really nice map
See, now I want to go there just to see the map. It could become a Guild pilgrimage...
Honduras was the first page I managed to complete in my 1982 World Cup Panini album. Or was that the one where one of the players was as rare as rocking horse manure? I can't remember, I just know the word triggers memories of that album.
Now Panini seems to be more associated with a stupid toasted sandwich that looks like it's been run over.
Maybe that map will become famous, a sort of cult item where people go there to colour in where they come from
Very cool! And what a cool story. I'll keep this in mind so I can perhaps see it one day (:
Thanks guys.
I'm hoping to find more jobs like this while travelling through South America.
It would be exceptionally cool if one of the great artists on this site coloured my map. I can just imagine the owner's face: "Uh, I'm not here to stay or anything. I was just wondering if I could colour that map on your wall?"
Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer
Wow, such a great story to live and tell. The map is lovely, very nice illustrations on the sides.
I bet onwer would be over the moon if once in a month another CG member would come to add his/her 5 cents to the map.
One chance meeting, and your a legend overnight
I can see this map becoming a holy cartographic shrine for all our great great grandchildren, and I too would seriously love to see what becomes of it by the hand of whoever colours it
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