View Poll Results: You can Place 6 votes

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  • Archean League --- Gamerprinter

    68 58.62%
  • Rush Job --- Jkaen

    9 7.76%
  • Artistically Challenged --- Valarian

    11 9.48%
  • Speed Challenge --- ravells

    34 29.31%
  • The Artic Circle --- Redstar

    39 33.62%
  • Skippers' Lament --- Torq

    60 51.72%
  • Trasgarian tears --- Morshwan

    2 1.72%
  • Rackham Gap --- Ascension

    17 14.66%
  • First Time --- bryguy

    2 1.72%
  • The Realms of Tlacopoxtla --- NeonKnight

    28 24.14%
  • Not the fastest one --- Sagenlicht

    11 9.48%
  • Khuutath --- Steel General

    35 30.17%
  • A'Jhön Empire --- delgondahntelius

    43 37.07%
  • Contour Crazy --- Redrobes

    2 1.72%
  • Staughton Coast, Thrimbal Channel --- MountZionRyan

    16 13.79%
  • The Saga of Oath-Bound Men --- Lord

    2 1.72%
  • Multitest --- waldronate

    1 0.86%
  • The Broken Coast --- jfrazierjr

    24 20.69%
  • The Weathered Coast --- gtrlarry

    2 1.72%
  • Rhawa --- Ghostman

    31 26.72%
  • in my style --- joão paulo

    3 2.59%
  • Tir na Mor Rioghna --- nemojbatkastle

    28 24.14%
  • Generic Fun --- dorpond

    18 15.52%
  • Brightshore Peninsula --- Patraikis

    9 7.76%
  • Newstyle hex --- RobA

    36 31.03%
  • Buncklebury --- jezelf

    26 22.41%
  • Nuke it from Orbit --- loydb

    10 8.62%
  • Planetary Survey --- mmmmmpig

    59 50.86%
  • an undersea map --- alucard339

    4 3.45%
  • Just in Time --- industrygothica

    26 22.41%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: ***September Challenge Voting*** REVOTE

  1. #31
    Professional Artist mmmmmpig's Avatar
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    1 more voter and this thing hits the triple digits... there has to be someone else who needs to vote!
    Something witty and pithy

  2. #32
    Guild Journeyer
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    Apr 2008


    Somebody did it, we have hit 100

  3. #33
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Yes and only seven votes between the first three.

    With 100+ samples, it will be interesting to see the votes ordered at the end to see how close to a gaussian bell curve we get. If it is then I think we can say that the multiple vote system of about 1 vote per 5 is working to about the best we can expect.

  4. #34


    If I could make a suggestion.

    The Thumbnails page is great. Really lets you look at the maps. Only problem is, when you click on the thumb, it takes you to the first page of the thread. Then, you have to hunt through the thread to actually find the final image, then you can see the large sized image.

    Would it be possible for the Thumbnail links page to link directly to the final image? If not, I suggest that a Final Burning thread be made where each map could be displayed. I know that's how they do it at Makes navigation a lot easier.

    Fan freaking tastic maps though this time. Great stuff.

  5. #35

    Post Heard this before!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hussar View Post
    If I could make a suggestion.

    The Thumbnails page is great. Really lets you look at the maps. Only problem is, when you click on the thumb, it takes you to the first page of the thread. Then, you have to hunt through the thread to actually find the final image, then you can see the large sized image.
    Azhrei and a couple other users at RPTools made this exact comment - after viewing the started of a thread linked from the thumbnail, they didn't feel compelled to search the entire thread to find the final maps. In fact Azhrei, voted in both the vote and revote. During the vote, he searched through the threads, but during the revote, he tried to remember who he voted last time and settled for only his top 3 picks - because he didn't want to wade through the maps threads again.

    I think Hussar, brings up an important issue, that we need to resolve.

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  6. #36
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    It would not be difficult at all to link the image on the thumb page to the image that it used to generate it. But it would be hard to link it to the thread at the point where the image was taken. The thing is that this script is just a straight search and compare thing, it knows nothing about the structure of the page. It wouldnt care if these images were part of any other type of web page. So it doesnt keep track of the forum post number and stuff like that.

    What ill do is change it so that the name of the person links to the thread start and the image to the full size one it used to get the thumbnail of. Howz that ?

    Actually I ought to make the script multi page aware too. If the image is past the first 50 posts then it doesnt snag it. Ill fix that up too.

    Arcana was asking whether we could have thumbs of challenges before the script came into play. It could easily be done but it needs the entrants list being put together for each month prior to about April 08. Anyone fancy doing that too ?

  7. #37
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Done (at least the linking bit...) - let me know if that helps.

    Edit -- actually I think thats great but it does mean that its more important than ever that it gets the right image if its being used as the portal to the entry. The idea was always to review the thread and look at the text and pics etc but this kinda bypasses that now. So mail me if you think its not the right image or dont beat me up over it. The script (and my ability to keep up with late entries...) is not infallible !
    Last edited by Redrobes; 09-30-2008 at 02:04 PM.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Hussar View Post
    If not, I suggest that a Final Burning thread be made where each map could be displayed. I know that's how they do it at Makes navigation a lot easier.
    We have had this discussion in the CL forum and never reached a decision before the vote was called.

    Rob A.

  9. #39
    Guild Adept Valarian's Avatar
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    Redrobes, would there be any way to get the script to build a "single post" string from the tag?
    This would bring up the post that has the image. The thread could then be accessed from the link in the single post view.
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  10. #40
    Guild Adept Valarian's Avatar
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    Anyone else noticed that 104 votes doesn't go in to 6?
    Google Groups for FGII Games:
    European FG2 RPG - Fridays & Sundays (8pm UK time)
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