Quote Originally Posted by GLS View Post
Nice work once again Voolf! Great use of the illustrations, rhumbs and sea squiggles (as I like to call them). I like the way you've done the mountains too and kept the whole thing relatively simple with just the landmasses, the mountains and the text, it's so easy to overcomplicate a map like this, so it's simplicity is definitely a great asset to have.

A couple of little nitpicks, but they really are just small. I think I'd like to see a few more highlights on the parchment just here and there, as although its not dark in any shape or form I think it would bring the parchment to life even more. Also, I think the text is a little too clean for my liking along the the motif in the corner, which when roughened up a tad could also really add to the whole parchment look.

And as you say, definitely similarities with Max's recent map, but that's in no way meant as a bad thing!
Thanks, I have to work with the paper more, i agree, haven't cracked that one completaly yet. As for the text, i tried to erase parts of it using brush with small dots and low opacity, but it made some very hard to read. I didn't put much effort to it though, i reverse the change and left it :/

Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
Very good map ! I especially like the lintless mountains, that really tells how good your shading skills are
Thank you, The mountains originally had the lines but i made second shade/light pass for them and realize that they look better without them after .

Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Raaah ! I can't rep you for now... and yet this one is so Rep-worthy !!!!! I really, really like this one ! And I think, I'll try to replicate your beautiful method for a map of mine !
Quote Originally Posted by GLS
I would rep you but it seems you've just been producing too much good work to keep up with so I can't right now!
It is ok. I already "have reputation beyond the repute" LOL. I appreciate comments. Looking forward to see your map JO.