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Thread: Cross-Platform Mapping Software?

  1. #1

    Question Cross-Platform Mapping Software?

    I'm looking for software to use for mapping, but I would like for it to be cross-platform. Specifically, some combination of Windows, OSX (Mac) and iOS (iPad). I have all three and they get used in different circumstances, but when I'm away from home I'm carrying Apple stuff exclusively. I'm an IT professional and I'm familiar with things like virtualization and I am aware I can dual boot the mac or run VMs on it (and, in fact, I do so) as well as other methods of running Windows software on OSX. What I'm really looking for is native software. I'm perfectly willing to buy software. It doesn't have to be free.

    Some background: I'm not an artist. My mother was, but I'm not. On a computer, I have had the most success with a vector based program and even then I won't win any awards. Also, I haven't done any mapping in years. In the 90s, I was drawing some truly awful maps with Deluxe Paint on my PC. Around 98 or so, I switched to Campaign Cartographer and things improved but circumstances were such that I pretty much stopped playing with maps sometime around 2004. Now, I'm looking to do some maps again for an RPG campaign I want to run. I was reasonably happy with CC back in the early 2000s, but it isn't cross-platform and they don't seem to have any intention of changing that. Unlike 12 years ago, I am using several platforms now, so I'm trying to see what else might be out there.

    I suspect the problem will be the iPad. I don't see much variety there at all.

    Thanks for any advice.

  2. #2


    I'm not aware of any other programs like CC3 that would work for you.
    The best option with your hardware/OS situation would be to do a combination of Photoshop or some other drawing program.
    Of people who make maps, and use iPad a lot, they've been quite impressed with Procreate and using the Pencil.
    Now that doesn't help you at all with your Mac. Probably the best thing I could think of that would get you an experience at all like CC would maybe be to acquire a large set of symbols or map elements that you could use in any software - like png based symbols/elements - and then pull them into a program and place them for making maps.

    The issues between OS platforms and available software is troublesome for many.
    If I could get all my software for Linux - that would be my choice.
    But I can't, so I continue to use windows for work.

  3. #3
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    I believe Artrage works on Macs, PCs and iPad, though I've no idea of the level of functionality within the software, but perhaps it might be worth a look?
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  4. #4
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    adobe is notoriously a Windows ONLY shop
    so for cross platform software that runs on BSD and the derivatives like OSX

    look at opensource programs
    99% of the time they wil run on
    Linux ( including android)
    OSX ( a bsd derivative )
    and MS windows

    programs like
    Gimp ___ raster program
    Krita ___ raster program
    Nip2 ___ raster program
    Inkscape __ vector program
    G'Mic ( and it's gimp plugin ) ___ raster program
    Last edited by johnvanvliet; 04-09-2016 at 04:04 PM.
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  5. #5


    Thanks for all the replies. I was kind of afraid that there wouldn't be any perfect solution. I actually have procreate on my iPad, but I don't have the artistic talent necessary to make it do anything useful. I have been playing a bit with CC3 and I'm going to give Inkscape a try if I can find some symbol collections for it and we'll go from there. Perhaps I'll try to get CC3 working on the mac but, for now, I'll stick to PC.

  6. #6
    Software Dev/Rep heruca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    adobe is notoriously a Windows ONLY shop
    Really? I've been using many of their programs, such as Photoshop, Director, After Effects, Acrobat, and Premiere for decades (even before OS X). I also have Illustrator, Flash, and InDesign, though I've never had the time to learn to use them. I would say Adobe is fairly Mac friendly. Though I'm personally ticked off at them for their awful treatment and abandonment of Director, which has been central to my career as a software and multimedia developer.
    Looking for battlemap creation software that can be used to create gorgeous print-resolution output on Windows or Mac OS?
    Give MapForge a try.

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