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Thread: March 2017 Challenge: After the Storm

  1. #11



    I want to create a reflection of a moon image I've added to the border decoration of this map where I've shown in red on the image below. I've found the effects pack I need to install in GIMP to be able to do this by watching this video, and clicking the link below it. I've downloaded FX Foundry, and I've unzipped it, but the only instructions I can find are here, and what you see in the video and the directory names and so on are all in... er... I think that's... Spanish(?), so I don't know where to look for the right place to put the folder, or what to do next.

    Can anyone tell me where to drop the FX Foundry folder, and what to do next?

    This is what I'm trying to do - the red lines indicate where I want to set up the water reflection of my moon.

    After the Storm05.jpg

    EDIT: Do I just kind of dump the entire FX Foundry folder in one of these two directories?

    Last edited by Mouse; 03-20-2017 at 01:42 PM.

  2. #12


    Um... no worries I've drawn it without the special effects

  3. #13
    Guild Artisan Francissimo's Avatar
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    Castelnaud la Chapelle France


    Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
    Challenges are great for that, they force you to do things you wouldn't normally do. I learned so much from the two challenges I did, and they were the only maps I ever completed...I should do another one, you really do learn allot from them.
    i strongly agree with you kacey! Those challenge are really a cool way to improve your skills and motivation.
    Having the same subject and see what comes out of other peoples mind and wich technique they use is such a great source of inspiration
    btw welcome in the challenge Mouse!
    I see you're going with a space background again that's really cool

  4. #14


    Thanks Francissimo, though I think I'm probably drowning in my own ineptitude on this one! LOL!

    I've used the same technique as a space background, but I've modified the way I'm using it, which isn't so much a space background as a night scene...

    This (with any luck) should illustrate a bit more what I'm trying to achieve here. I haven't drawn the boat yet, but I've pasted an idea of what I want it to look like...

    ### Latest WIP ###
    After the Storm05.jpg

    @ Kacey - the font is one called Tangerine, and I think I got it from, but I can't be sure. If not then a Google search should find it. Its not such a great font on the technical side. I'm having a problem with it, in that the GIMP text box seems to cut the end of the line off in several places. It's not wrapping correctly, so I'll have to throw in a few hard returns to the text to make it right.

  5. #15
    Guild Expert
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    Thanks for the font Mouse, I've found several that don't curve properly, it's a bit of a pain isn't it.

    Have you tried copying you're moon layer, and flipping it, then moving it down onto the water? You can play with different blend modes, and opacity settings this way, and come up with some interesting reflections. I don't know about gimp but PhotoShop has some perspective tools that also work great for getting it to lay down on the water... Just a thought, but what you have here looks good too.

  6. #16


    You're welcome, Kacey

    I just forgot to answer your question before.

    I'm still not convinced I've got the moon thing right. Its very blurry. I already did what you suggest, and I used all the many different filters. I also altered the perspective to make it lay flat on the water, and I thought I had it, but now I look at it again I think I'd be better off drawing it by hand from scratch. I'm really just being lazy and taking a load of short cuts, but the end of the Challenge will be here before we know it, and I'm trying to get to the map work before I run out of time to do it properly.

    I may yet do the water by hand. I don't know.

  7. #17


    I'm doing the water by hand, but I don't think it looks too bad

    ### Latest WIP ###
    After the Storm06.jpg

  8. #18


    It looks promising, Mouse. Did I mentioned I live in a place where cranes are stopping when migrating ?

  9. #19


    Thanks Ilanthar

    No you didn't mention that before, but I bet that's quite a sight. I live near a wetland reserve where migrating swans and geese fly through on their way north and south depending on season. The geese in particular are an awesome sight, since they sometimes fly over the town in flocks of a hundred or more - only just above the rooftops. I love it when they do that. You hear the sound and everyone looks up, and then the sky is full of these huge beautiful birds just swimming through the air like its effortless, and they're only about 30 feet up from where your standing.

    Getting back to the map, now...

    I've done some more work, and I think I've only got the boat and the map itself to work on now, which means I'm on track to finish just about on time, even though what's left is definitely going to make what I've already done look like a piece of cake!

    ### Latest WIP ###
    After the Storm11.jpg

    If nothing else, this has been quite a lot of fun. I've definitely learned enough to be able to do basic landscape paintings in GIMP now - if I ever want to switch from physical paint to virtual, that is

  10. #20
    Guild Artisan Francissimo's Avatar
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    Castelnaud la Chapelle France


    Your background is turning into something gorgeous! A really cool and inspiring idea you have here

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