Looks wonderful. If I was going to suggest any changes the line width on the water seems a little heavy in places giving the sense of a more definitive border than the walls.
I decided to delve into dungeon map making last week and I designed my first map for the d&d game I run. I know there is room for improvement, but I feel damn proud of this. I've used PS, but I've started with a sketch on A4 paper, then inked it, then moved to digital. This is also my first time using the Dyson method of cross-hatching.
Any comments are welcome!
(p.s. It doesn't have a grid as I will use it on roll20, and the site provides a grid overlay already)
### Latest WIP ###
Looks wonderful. If I was going to suggest any changes the line width on the water seems a little heavy in places giving the sense of a more definitive border than the walls.
Really nice job. I agree with madcowchef, the lines in the water are perhaps a little thick. Next time why don't you try using the same pen you used for the hatching, I think that would look heaps better.
Hey that's a pretty nice first effort! The hatching is decent, though your technique will no doubt improve in time. A nice little map.
Thank you everyone, I will definitely have that in mind
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I really like how the Dyson style map came out. The water is nicely shaded and the layout itself should provide some good opportunities to make encounters interesting and challenging. Especially the little bridge may be a good place for a Drow ambush. One of the ponds to the left and right could well lead deeper into the caves, either revealing a hideous dweller in the dark waters or maybe just the last resting place of an unlucky adventurer.
It might be wort a try to add some subtle shading to the walls and floor, so that they match the water features.