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Thread: New Style for an older Map

  1. #1

    Default New Style for an older Map

    I thought i post a map i worked on for some time. Its a different style for an older map/world
    that has been around for some time. i actually posted a different map last year.

    Any thoughts, suggestions, comments?


    Old Thread:

  2. #2


    This is lovely! It's particularly neat seeing the way it's changed since last year! I'm not sure how to read the darker areas -- forest? I think forest. I like how they look, I just don't read them with certainty. The labeling is definitely clearer this time around, to the point of adding aesthetically. And it generally just looks quite stylish.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert DanielHasenbos's Avatar
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    Mar 2015
    The Netherlands


    I like this style very much. It reminds me of that middle earth map that is all black and white with bright red labels that really stand out. I'm also surprised with how good you managed to get away with a 'digital' look. Sometimes that look can really ruin a map, but you managed to make it actually add to the map. Great work!

  4. #4


    Hey Ziuwari,

    Although I am no fan of that particular black and white fantasy map style, I must say that your map looks very pleasing.

    I agree with ace.Io's point on the darker areas. It's not quite clear whether they are forest or ... something else. Probably forest, just not totally obvious.

    I also feel like the islands south of the Lichtermeer look a little too artificial, the way they shape like part of a cycle. Nothing major, just something I noticed when looking at the map. Are they part of a crater of sort?

    Other than those (very minor) things, your map looks awesome.

  5. #5


    Thank you all!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by ace.lo View Post
    This is lovely! It's particularly neat seeing the way it's changed since last year! I'm not sure how to read the darker areas -- forest? I think forest. I like how they look, I just don't read them with certainty. The labeling is definitely clearer this time around, to the point of adding aesthetically. And it generally just looks quite stylish.
    And yeah, the darker areas are forests. Id like this look too but i also wanted to try different looks, but haven't gotten much time lately.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by DanielHasenbos View Post
    I like this style very much. It reminds me of that middle earth map that is all black and white with bright red labels that really stand out. I'm also surprised with how good you managed to get away with a 'digital' look. Sometimes that look can really ruin a map, but you managed to make it actually add to the map. Great work!
    Thank you.
    And thats one great inspiration for my map above. I'd like to really work to get away from this digital look - to try other styles, but its difficult to do. But yeah, it works for this map, thanks again.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Lucifer View Post
    Hey Ziuwari,

    Although I am no fan of that particular black and white fantasy map style, I must say that your map looks very pleasing.

    I agree with ace.Io's point on the darker areas. It's not quite clear whether they are forest or ... something else. Probably forest, just not totally obvious.

    I also feel like the islands south of the Lichtermeer look a little too artificial, the way they shape like part of a cycle. Nothing major, just something I noticed when looking at the map. Are they part of a crater of sort?

    Other than those (very minor) things, your map looks awesome.

    Thank you too. And yeah, as is replied above - it is forest. Because this map is not complete i omitted the legend/map key.
    Yes, it really looks like a circle of some sort. I drew the template of this/these map/s a couple years ago and i'm actually not quite sure what my intentions was at this time.
    I believe it was something more like some sort of rift valley at the bottom of the sea or oceanic back that let the lands drift apart. Therefore the isles really look too circular.

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