Hi everyone!

Glad to join the guild! I've been playing D&D for only like a year and a half now, since switching jobs to a place full of gamers. Since I started I fell in love with the game! I DM-ed a pair of sessions when the group I was in entered a new city, and that was awesome creating the city and encounters in it. Now both of the campaigns I was in have ended and we're starting new ones, one of which I'll be DM-ing full time!

Specifically I am starting with the Hoard of the Dragon Queen to get my feet wet in the DM world. Creating a new world of my own, but that's a far in the future follow up to HotDQ and Rise of Tiamat. I came upon this site searching for maps for HotDQ. While I've seen a couple, looking for as many good ones have been created. Obviously I don't want to recreate work, but I look forward to contributing much in the way of maps and such if I can!

I've downloaded many map tools to try out, if there are some recommendations for good ones, please let me know!