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Thread: Programs like Inkscape for Mac?

  1. #21
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    User drjill here at the guild has some information about Ortelius (this person lists themselves as "co-founder of Mapdiva"). Sadly, they haven't made a post since 2010. The Mac-only cartography market is a pretty narrow one.

  2. #22


    Aside from the tablet problem, this is what I did in 5 minutes flat with the trial version of Affinity Photo

    Green Seal.png

    That's probably the most impressive bevel effect I've ever played with - better than anything else I've got, including Corel Photopaint.

    The layer effects are interactive too, so as soon as you turn on the bevel you can continue to paint and the bevel automatically updates as you go - in real time.
    Last edited by Mouse; 03-30-2017 at 06:02 PM.

  3. #23
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Nice work! I think they may yet have a new customer.

    I think if Affinity Designer was available for Linux I'd probably have bought it by now, but I can't summon the enthusiasm to boot into Windows every time I want vector. Besides, I love Inkscape and all it's weird and wonderful features and crashy goodness.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  4. #24


    I think I might try just one map with it - a quick one

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Aside from the tablet problem, this is what I did in 5 minutes flat with the trial version of Affinity Photo

    Green Seal.png

    That's probably the most impressive bevel effect I've ever played with - better than anything else I've got, including Corel Photopaint.

    The layer effects are interactive too, so as soon as you turn on the bevel you can continue to paint and the bevel automatically updates as you go - in real time.
    Nice one Mouse. Is the image inside your illustration, or did you used some from AP?
    BTW. Layers styles are not anything new, Photoshop and Krita also allows you to turn on several layer options and then, when you draw on that layer the effects are immediately applied.

  6. #26


    Ah well you see. GIMP is not the slightest bit interactive that way, so I was relatively easy to impress

    I haven't read the manual. I just started playing. The interface is very intuitive and extremely easy to use.

    I'm not really getting what you mean when you ask me if the image is inside my illustration? I drew it all by myself (I sound like an excited kid don't I! LOL!) - three layers three different bevel settings, all the same colour. The pattern is a capital letter 'M' from a font called Royal2 that I picked up off one of the free font sites, just in case I ever needed to do illuminated capital letters.

  7. #27


    Oh sorry i thought you also used Krita. Anyway, good you discovered new extra features. AP is really well designed with load of nice features.

    About the illustration, what i ment was "Did you draw it from scratch using your tablet and/or mouse" or use exesting shapes. I did not recognize it as a letter, lol. now i see it. It looks quite impressive and i thought you design it.

  8. #28


    Oh I see! LOL!

    No. I'm not an illustrator - couldn't draw something like that to save my life! All credit to the font, in this case

  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Oh I see! LOL!
    No. I'm not an illustrator
    I beg to differ

  10. #30


    Aw Voolf, you say the nicest things

    This is the font I used:

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