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Thread: March 2017 Challenge: The Voyage of the Caribbean Crown

  1. #31
    Guild Journeyer Hustle's Avatar
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    Mar 2017
    Southern USA


    Diamond, may I ask what you're using for your mountain ranges at this scale? They look great. It's such an appropriate size for this map, and I think I could learn a lot from your methodology.

  2. #32
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    The mountain ranges are done with various photoshop filters. I start off with a layer that's got just a generic black&white clouds filter, then add between 4 and 8 difference clouds. The more difference clouds, the smaller the scale, so if you're doing a smallish regional map, use less; for a continent or world map, more. That's your base mountain layer.

    Then I make another layer and do CTRL + Shift + Alt + E; this creates a copy of the previous layer with all the stuff/fx already in place. This is the hill layer (it creates the finer underlying terrain below the mountains). I add a noise filter and then move the layer under the mountain layer.

    After that, it's just a matter of experimenting with various bevel/emboss settings to get something you like. Start with the mountain layer, set the layer fill to 0%, and then play around with the bevel settings. When I have something I like, I duplicate it for the hill layer, but at a lesser degree. When I get home from work tonight I'll try to remember to write up the exact process.

  3. #33
    Guild Journeyer Hustle's Avatar
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    Southern USA


    That's a fantastic description. I'll play around on my own with that process and see what I can come up with. Thanks very much!

  4. #34


    I haven't been able to resist looking, and now feel relieved that what I thought was the end of the story before the middle turned out not to be the case - still looking forward to the story.

    The border work is lovely. It goes much better with the rest of the map than the previous one

  5. #35


    Many thanks for the answer how you do relief Diamond. Looking forward to finished work.

  6. #36
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Done. Hope the story is to your liking, Mouse!

    ### Winner ###
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by ChickPea; 08-26-2018 at 10:42 AM. Reason: Added Winner tag

  7. #37


    Its film-worthy

    Errr... "Persons wishing to visit the exhibit or any other part of the AMNH must submit to a 5 level Federal Screening"! Yikes!

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