Quote Originally Posted by Voolf View Post
Ah, awesomeness in every inch of it
Hehe Thanks Voolf
Quote Originally Posted by kacey View Post
The colours look good so far, You don't even need to add shadows and highlights and it still looks amazing, and I'm really liking that bottom bit with the trees.
Thanks Kacey
I have some fun plans for the lower part.
Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Simply beautiful
Thanks Mouse
Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
Very cool. I can't believe you put in all those shingle lines. And I agree with Kacey, the bit with the trees and stones is really great.
Thanks Falconius
I almost didn't do the roof details... but, i remembered my Haerlech thread and decided I should.
Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
Wow ! I can't wait to see it coming alive with the shadows !!!!!
It'll be marvelous !!
Thanks JO
I am just trying to find time so I can do some more.