Hey all,

I am relatively new to this site, though I have lurked for awhile and do have a fair bit of experience with GIMP. I have been reading through many of the tutorials available and have decided to try combining several into one map. If this turns out half decent, I might use it in a campaign I am running. Any thoughts or critiques are welcome.

I used RPG citymap generator to get the random roads and river. I then went through and added more roads and rivers. This is going to be a delta city near the mouth of the river (hence all the forks). I have the upper island's roads done and the island with fields' roads done. I am playing the castle just to see what I like. I still have to work on the middle two islands and the bridges some more. I plan to go back and touch up the ground and rivers too. I used the mosaic distortion in GIMP to get all the buildings.
