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Thread: Continent in my D&d Campaign

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Wip Continent in my D&d Campaign

    Hi all. I am a long time lurker, and have worked through many tutorials. I use PS. I am a total newbie but here I have something, I think, worth posting for a bit of critique. I used for this image the Saderan tutorial by Tear.

    Constructive criticism/advice and general thoughts are desired.

    Thank you for your time.

    R20 Empire of Tehr Continent.jpg

  2. #2


    Welcome to the Guild!

    So this is your first 'published' map, then?

    Its very attractive and well drawn. I love the colour scheme, and the details are perfect, requiring no explanation as to what they might be, yet sitting nice and quiet on the page and not threatening to interfere with the important details that I assume are to come, like major rivers, cities and roads.

    I would be seriously proud of myself if I had done such a piece
    Last edited by Mouse; 04-10-2017 at 09:22 AM.

  3. #3
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Default /reply

    Hello, thank you for your welcome. I guess it is my first published map, as I do not count anything done using Inkarnate as my own work.

    I feel pride in the technical achievement as well as the fact that the design is my own (I shall include the original, hand drawn, outline that I made and used)

    I attempted this tutorial 2 months ago and back then it was beyond me, I followed it again on Friday, and this time was successful with most of my time being spent playing with filters and pattern fills and such.

    So yes, pride in the technical achievement. I would not be where I am right now without the brilliance of the members of the Guild. They don't know me but their help, given freely, has put me here and I cannot thank them enough.

    So, labelling: I tried, I failed, back to the drawing board. I have a few ideas of how to go about it.

    Major rivers/roads: I have not included a scale, apologies, but this continent is rather large, I shall use dotted lines and such rather than attempting to alter the terrain.

    As I mentioned in the o/p I am open to advice, criticism and general thoughts about this WIP.


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