Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Great map with an excellent colour scheme. Congratulations

The text is a bit hard to read, but I guess this version isn't as large as the original

I think the colours you use with this style may just be the source inspiration behind the recent green and gold/red theme I've used in the current challenge
Haha, thanks Mouse! There is a larger version, but I didn't post it, because you know, it's large...

Also, like I said before, feel free to steal those colours away. I probably stole them from something subconsciously anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
Very original style, I really like the cone mountains!
Thanks, Domino, it was fun trying to come up with different looks!

Quote Originally Posted by tainotim View Post
Love the colors. Great work!

Cheers, Tainotim, I always love the colours you use, so I guess that makes us even!

Quote Originally Posted by Wired View Post
Very nice, clean style. Can't rep you at the moment, sorry.
Thanks, Wired, and no problem at all about the rep!

Quote Originally Posted by DanielHasenbos View Post
I really like this map. Great work work and congratulations with the commission! (:
Thanks, Dan!

Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
Really nice one, I love this style of yours, especially the palette. I'll come back to rep later.
Thanks, Tom, and no worries about the rep!

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Nice work once again. I like the title block. It looks great. I don't envy you trying to fit all the labels in but you've made a good job of it. Not sure if I can rep, but I'll try.
Thanks ChickPea. WHen I first started it, I wasn't expecting so many places to put it, so yeah, I'm pleased they all fitted okay!

Quote Originally Posted by Straf View Post
GLS I think you ought to slow down or post something poor or something. When I can't rep you I feel rubbish because your next work is always at least as much, if not more than, deserving.

Great work once more
Thank you, Straf! I'll do my bestest, but no promises.