Quote Originally Posted by DanielHasenbos View Post
That border art is pretty neat. As is the map. I assume you're going to scan and color it?
Thanks Dan! Yup, colouring and scanning are definitely on the to-do list!

Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Oh how lovely. It looks like a fairy tale

(now you're going to tell me its a horror story!)

LOL! How well you know me!

I'm looking forward to a rapid succession of WIP images
Nope, definitely a fairy tale Mouse, and I'll try to get that stream of images flowing as soon as I can!

Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
Very promising start!
Thanks Domino!

Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
Looking good. Remember I close out the challenge late on the 14th so you have a little more than 3 days.
Thanks, Bogie and I'm glad you reminded me as I had forgotten!

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is looking great, GLS. Hope you can find time to finish it.

Mouse, it does look like a fairy tale castle, but I'm thinking there's hordes of orcs living on the other side of those hills...
Thanks ChickPea and I hope so too! It may be more of a fairy tale, but that doesn't mean there aren't some nasty beasties...

Quote Originally Posted by tilt View Post
Looking great GLS, can't wait to see it colored
Thank you Tilt! I'm definitely looking forwards to getting some vibrant colours involved!