Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Shades of turquoise, through green to lime - yet nothing too oversaturated.

You've done a lot of work, and its looking splendid
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
Looking good! I like what you're doing with the insets.
Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Great, a polar projection! Excellent idea and nice inset, already.
Quote Originally Posted by DanielHasenbos View Post
That first inset is very nice and the coloring is great. It's developing very nicely (:
Thanks guys, I'm pretty pleased with how it's heading!

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
Nice ! It definitely has a Max's map vibe imo
I'm definitely going to take that as a compliment. Max is always an inspiration in the work he does!

A quick update, with some more fleshed out land and another inset done, though a more illustrationy one this time!

### Latest WIP ###
Lyranth update 2.jpg