Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Your cities are just marvellous, John . This one is no exception, with so many gorgeous details...
I bet it would take at least 2 Skynet and 20 developers to automated your city maps.
Where do you find the time/courage to do those ?!
Thanks Ilanthar
Quote Originally Posted by Tonnichiwa View Post
I never tire of looking at any of your maps. The details always pull me in and I never want to leave. These cities make me wish they were real places we could all go visit. Love it!
Thanks so much Tony
Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
You're indeed a mapping beast John! My lurking sentiment was strong the last days, but even the most stubborn lurker has to crawl out of the woodwork to get a glimspe at your latest work... As with your "Poh" and "Haerlech" maps, it is astounding how you create so much vividness and wonderful detail in maps of such a scale. You might imagine that i love it particularly for its flat roofs and organically layout. You nailed the theme perfectly!
Thanks Abu I was thinking about ya when I was doing these... You've done the most with terraced roofs on the Guild, I think.
Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
OMG. Just.... OMFG. I would have gone insane trying to create this. I take my hat off to you. It's amazing.
Hehehe, I may already be insane or.. a robot or other mechanized pen-wielding automaton... or somesuch nonsense