Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
Oh dear! Now you've gone and done it. I can't decide whether I like the pale roads or the dark ones better now! LOL!

Dark or light, I really like this map
Haha, I guess that's a good thing!

Quote Originally Posted by WarBeer View Post
I think the "darker roads" are much easier to see. The circles remain articulate to the eye. The clarity of the "light roads" get a little lost to my eyes...even zoomed in...creating a bit of a haze anomaly.
Thanks, WarBeer, I've opted for a compromise between the two. The roads have a stronger shadow to them and I've boosted their yellow a tad too.

So, unless I have a sudden brainwave, or somebody else comes up with a suggestion I can do quickly, I think this will probably be the final version!

### Latest WIP ###
The Eastern Lands of Lyranth.jpg

*EDIT* Well, I didn't have a brainwave (too be honest, nothing like that is particularly likely ), but I did have a change of mind and went for a red look with faint gold rims to sort of match the cities.