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Thread: Hello

  1. #1

    Default Hello


    I'm HadrianVI. I'm from Switzerland. So far I have only worked with CC3. I started in 2012 or 2013 but after 2013 I barely made any maps anymore because I was busy with my studies and with work. However this February I returned to the ProFantasy Forum and was amazed by some of the maps, especially by Merlan City from Loopysue (Mouse) and by a World Map made by Medio. So, I decided to go back to mapping... and, well, here I am.

    I've done some maps for the Community Atlas on the ProFantasy Forum. If you want to check them out you'll find them here:

    Now, as I said I only use CC3 at the moment. But I am looking into buying a tablet (preferably a Wacom Cintiq) and start working with other kinds of software in order to make additional content to use in CC3 (also, I would like to make some nice fantasy illustrations with Painter probably, but that has nothing to do with mapping.)


    Last edited by HadrianVI; 07-06-2017 at 07:19 AM.

  2. #2


    Hey Hadrian

    Welcome aboard!

    I've seen your maps as you were making them, and very impressive they are too.

    If you are looking for apps that might help with additional content (and I think you probably have a pretty good idea already judging from the content of our recent conversations over at Profantasy), I've been using GIMP and Genetica (caution with that one, though, since every time I mention it someone comes along and tells me its on its way to becoming abandonware!). I'm also using Blender right now to generate a set of trees that I can use for commercial purposes as well as privately (unlike the Vue trees I was using before), and I'm about to embark on an adventure with Sculptris, which is a free version of zbrush, to try and make a terrain and a set of palm trees.

    I'd be interested to hear if you find anything else that's particularly good at doing this or that. A Mouse can never have too many tools in her toolbox!

  3. #3


    Thank you, Sue.

    I really would like to try out painter - not for map making but for other kinds of illustrations. As you may not know, I too am trying to write a novel. And I think (or hope) it would help me with my writing, if I illustrated the scenes I'm about to write. At the moment I'm not getting anywhere, although I have the whole story of the first book clearly laid out in my mind.

    But at the moment I'm still struggling on deciding which tablet to buy and when to buy it. I still have to finish my dissertation and I fear that I would be a lot less productive, if I bought a tablet right now. But then, I'm not very productive anyway...

  4. #4


    Haha - we are more alike than you know

    I used to spend hours and hours painting scenes from the novel in my head - acrylic on paper

  5. #5


    I too used to paint with acrylic but I haven't done so in years...

    For how long have you been working on your novel?

  6. #6


    That was in the days when computer graphics were still too primitive to be worth the effort.... which kind of gives me away as a long time wannabe writer

    My world is older than most. 35 years in the growth and development, and the last two years in the writing. The first book is 9/10 done, and books 2 and 3 are both about half done. Book 4 isn't even started, but book 5 is finished. That's because the entire series is a rondo - a circular tale in time, where the last book is set in a time period before the first book, and reveals some of the answers to the mysteries that will be contained in all the other 4.

    Hope that makes sense

    What kind of shape is yours in right now?
    Last edited by Mouse; 05-10-2017 at 11:34 PM.

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