Gahahahaha!! Guess I need to bring that thread up again! On the six map open for critics its going too much in climates so I decided to return here.
*bangs his head against the wall* Lesson number 1 for idiots like me who draw HUGE maps and afterwards only question about what to add... Always set up a grid with latitudes and longitudes BEFORE you go overboard...
Gahahaha! Brief explanation of what is going on... On another thread called ''six maps open for critics'', I asked what I should add in a certain region, if some plains or grass lands would fit best. Then I was asked by a fellow cartographer that all that depends on your latitude...
If you read this thread from the start, you can guess that up untill now I only guessed what are the REALLY VAGUE coordonates of an area on the globe of my planet. Which means that for a single continent it can work if its not too big. Hehehe...haha... *bangs his head again* But as you all know I am planning to go further south and even add other continents. Weeheee!! I might say that I have been lucky so far, that my maps have a certain realism, but I can't keep on going like that. I need to change my approach to cartography.
I need help. How should I approach climates if I go for a whole continent? Should I set up a latitude and longitude grid so I can have some points of comparison with our planet and therefore be able to judge what climate would be there by looking at our world? Should I only use latitudes and longitudes for a systeme of coordonates and go for see current and winds to explain climates?
Okay, simply put *bangs his head a third time* what are the variables I should take in account in order to have a logical and coherent climate setup for a whole planet and not just a continent? Maybe I should buy a book on earth's climates....