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Thread: (WIP) Arch City of Nessa'Mor

  1. #31


    Hey XCali

    I use all kinds of software - GIMP is in my toolbox too

    The water is definitely an improvement. The hard edge of it is quite a lot les dominating than it was before. Have you tried using a layer mask and manually masking the edge on the mask?

    If you don't know what I'm talking about just say

    The trees are all quite similar, which is just a tiny bit distracting when the city itself should be the focal point, but that might just be the way you like them.

    The hills do seem to be floating just a bit. That's because you have a shadow that goes right underneath them. Try adjusting the shadow or removing it (as long as that doesn't also remove the hill shading on the side of the hill) and see what you think?

  2. #32
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Question Experimental Build 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Hey XCali

    I use all kinds of software - GIMP is in my toolbox too

    The water is definitely an improvement. The hard edge of it is quite a lot les dominating than it was before. Have you tried using a layer mask and manually masking the edge on the mask?

    If you don't know what I'm talking about just say

    The trees are all quite similar, which is just a tiny bit distracting when the city itself should be the focal point, but that might just be the way you like them.

    The hills do seem to be floating just a bit. That's because you have a shadow that goes right underneath them. Try adjusting the shadow or removing it (as long as that doesn't also remove the hill shading on the side of the hill) and see what you think?

    Okay so took away the worst of the shadows, so the Chocolate hills looks better. But the trees thing is bugging me. I like creating brushes for my forests so that I don't have to do an entire forest by hand. So, I'm not sure how I should tackle it.
    I did create some more trees. Maaaybe that helps?
    (Are the trees in the city below okay like that?)

    But anyway the big thing I'm testing on the experimental build is if the CHOCOLATE HILLS work?



    I checked out a tutorial on Layer Masks today, so I understand the idea of it. But how do you create a better ocean with it?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. #33


    Trees are really difficult. I've just been making a top view tree set of my own, and its hard to know how many different brushes/symbols you need to be able to paste them around a map without any two adjacent ones looking the same, but I've settled on about 4-5 variations minimum where they will be scattered around thinly between the buildings for the most part. If I was doing a woodland or forest I'd certainly make about ten different tree brushes/symbols, or the same tree would appear too often too close to itself.

    Depends on the scale and style of the map, of course, since a lot of regional maps are covered in just one tree symbol. That's because it would be really difficult to tell two different trees apart when they are about the size of a pencil lead. The map I am making is going to be one that people can download and zoom into with Campaign Cartographer, which has unlimited zoom, so they could end up being printed out as large as a large scale dungeon map, and in my mind they should look significantly different at that scale.

    Using a mask to fade something out:

    There are always lots of different ways to do the same job, and my method is only one of them. There are also very many far more experienced GIMP users here on the forum, who could probably give you a better method than this one. But this is how I would do it, if the map was mine to draw

    Start with an ocean layer that has not had the edge faded.

    1. Right click the layer and pick 'Make Layer Mask', and choose the option 'Layer's Alpha Channel' (This should give you a black and white layer mask to the right of the layer image in the layer panel.)
    2. Right click the layer again and choose 'Alpha to Selection' (This will give you the crawling ants around the edge of your ocean).
    3. Move your cursor to the inside of the selected area on the image itself and right click again.
    4. Pick Select/Invert <- this is really important!
    5. Go to Select/Feather, and put a fairly high number in there before clicking ok (For the size of the image you have uploaded about 200 px - more if the original is larger than the exported image)
    6. Make sure you have clicked the little black and white layer mask in the layers palette, and choose a large soft edged brush (one of the default ones set to about 300 px will do), and set your foreground colour to black (for transparent), then draw directly onto the image the outline of your shoreline. (if you start to see black instead of transparent on your image at this point, then you are drawing on the layer, and not the layer mask, and should undo, then click the layer mask a second time before trying again)

    This may not give you a perfect finish, since the view is ISO, and the mask has been feathered evenly by the software as if for a top down view, but I think you can probably judge for yourself just how far to go into the sea so that the fading looks appropriate to the scene.

    The beauty of doing it this way is that you haven't deleted anything from the layer itself. You have only hidden it. So if you don't like the effect you can simply delete the layer mask by right clicking the layer and choosing 'Delete Layer Mask'

    I really hope I got all these instructions right, and that they are helpful to you
    Last edited by Mouse; 05-18-2017 at 02:46 PM.

  4. #34
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    The ocean is looking much better! Keep working on the top. The picture is coming along.

  5. #35
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Question Nessa'Mor Experimental NEW TREES

    Ah! Thanks guys. Every bit helps.

    (To Mouse: Awesome! I'll try the mask somewhere. Thanks for taking the time. Also I tried making a set of trees consisting of more than 10 originals like you said. So hopefully they do the job. )

    Okay so this is still very experimental, but I tried a whole new set of trees up top. Tell me if it works.
    And if something else catch your eye give a shout.


    Have a wonderful day.

  6. #36


    Again - much better

    You keep making huge improvements every time. This time its the trees and the chocolate hills.

    Just a tip here - If you do more to that forest on top be careful not to group the same tree together in the same place. Try to keep them all mixed up with each other, so its difficult to spot the same tree twice in the crowd of them

  7. #37
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Question Nessa'Mor Continuing with the new trees.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Again - much better

    You keep making huge improvements every time. This time its the trees and the chocolate hills.

    Just a tip here - If you do more to that forest on top be careful not to group the same tree together in the same place. Try to keep them all mixed up with each other, so its difficult to spot the same tree twice in the crowd of them
    Thanks, Mouse. I really appreciate it.

    Okay, so I tried placing the trees more randomly on the next part. I was wondering if the forest layout fits up top. And I tried those trees bottom while leaving one section of the old trees for reference. So I hope it works.

    The chocolate hills can stay?

    Last edited by XCali; 05-19-2017 at 01:15 PM.

  8. #38


    I think I'm liking these new trees a whole lot better than the first set

  9. #39
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Question Nessa'Mor Ocean experiment and thinking of the buildings...

    Hello everyone,

    Today I finished the preliminary plan for the tree layout. Also, for now, the chocolate hills are staying.

    The plan now is getting the ocean to a better place, though I have begun thinking about how to tackle the buildings. I'm not too sure what needs to happen there ... I would really like some ideas about that. It's a bit of a headscratcher to me.
    (My line of thought at the moment is, maybe to add some texture to their walls. OR maybe give them more of a 3D feel.

    So numbering the list of priorities would be,
    1. Ocean *
    2. Ocean Layer Mask
    3. Buildings ***
    4. The Big trees on the edge.
    5. Cleaning the edge of the cliff.
    6. Clean up the land up top. **
    7. Tackling the OLD buildings that still hug the cliff. The one to the right is fine for now. **
    8. The border. (Still new territory.)

    (*** stars = bigger project and quite important.)

    If there is anything else I should look into, just shout.

    Here is the build so far,

    Last edited by XCali; 05-21-2017 at 05:44 AM.

  10. #40
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Wip Daggers of Nessa'Mor story

    A tie in for my map. And still a work in progress, but let me know if you enjoy it.

    ~High Cliffs of Nessa’Mor~

    River of Daggers

    Side book
    Omri Hope

    Main Genre: Fantasy Epic
    Genres: Adventure, Mystery, Survival, Discovery, thriller


    Prologue: The chase.....................................
    Chapter 1:

    “”What drives one to risk their lives over and over … to challenge the oppressive weight of the dark even with the smallest of lights? What indeed. Yet, that is the question that stalks me day by day as I attempt that very thing. I just hope that I can keep standing when so many before me have given up on this path.“”
    -Zalia Lightpaw

    The Chase

    Small puffs drifted away as she blew out a breath in the crisp cold of the night air. A flash of memory of kids giggling at the sight was brief, but she bit her lip. This was no time to enjoy it. Danger was close.
    The dagger at her side lay forgotten as her fingers tightened around the round object in her pouch. Her eyes darted to the left and the right past the tree. Close by, there was a bridge that crossed the river that lay before her. But she would not attempt to cross it tonight. What was in her possession was far too valuable to risk being discovered. This was by far the closest it had gotten to the city in the cliffs, ever. Yet those that hunted for it had only gotten more numerous over the months that it was attempted to be couriered to the heart of Nessa’Mor. All had given up the trek in fear of the hunters.
    And yet it was of the utmost importance that it reaches the city. What her brother had warned her had all but come true since leaving their hidden home.
    The free fingers of her other hand glided over her forearm. Scar upon scar met them. All were new.
    Her lip quivered as her anxiety once more threatened her determination. Fear was her handicap, as it was with all.
    Though, in this she was alone.
    As she glanced back, it pulled at her. To turn back. To let someone else attempt the run.
    She squared her shoulders and looked back at the bridge, covered with guards and what she knew were those that hunted her.
    This was her burden. She had come further than everyone before her and though it had only become more dangerous, her goal was not within reach.
    With a flick of her hands, she tried the heavy locks of hair into a ponytail. There couldn’t be anything in this run that can hold her back. Agility was everything if she had any hope of making it to the city.
    Her eyes closed as she walked herself through the terrain that she needed to cross.
    The river that flowed over the edge of the very cliffs that held the city.
    The path down its mighty side. Though one that was too perilous to attempt if she wanted to go unseen.
    Her mind flicked to the forests that were her only route. But her way down… her eyes flashed open, and taking a deep breath she tightened her cloak over her leather armour’s hard scales.
    She strode almost silently to the river’s edge. Big rocks made the journey across possible but hard. Yet that wasn’t the worry that gnawed at her bones.
    It was what would happen when she made the dash for it.
    She steeled herself and took several steps back, enough for a run.
    Then with force, she made sure her one foot was solid against the ground.
    She was ready as she could be for this, though still her hands had a slight shake in them.
    Zalia ran forward as fast she could. Her footfalls hard against the ground and then with a huge punch with her right foot sent her leaping through the air.
    And a loud hit, her boots landed on the biggest and furthest of the rocks in the river.
    Shouts pierced the air.
    Her teeth gritted. She knew this would happen. Yet, her heart still hammered in her chest.
    She ran and jumped to the next rock, not even looking towards the bridge. A few seconds passed and she landed on the ground on the other side. Once she would have greatly wanted to immediately go and boasted to her best friend of making the feat. But she needed to run. Run like she never run before. For the sake of the light she carried. For the sake of her people, she needed to run!
    Her feet thundered beneath her as she dashed for the outlines of the forest under the moonlight.
    Swords being drawn and armoured figures running behind her could be heard clear as day. Still, she didn’t even glance around.
    The surprise had bought her a few minutes. Though she could hear the confused shouts of the guards of Nessa’Mor, over why so many of the volunteers this night were so furiously storming after a woman.
    This would have amused her to no end back home. But this was different.

    The first tree darted past her as she ran into the forest’s recesses. This might by her a few more seconds. But only a few.
    Those that hunted her were far wilier than they looked. She had learned that the hard way.
    As she ran, she made her path as random as possible in the hope of confusing her pursuers. Though, from their incessant shouts, they were close.
    She pushed her legs faster. It would only be a matter of time before she couldn’t run anymore. But, she would push until the end. To her last. This was it. Unlike all the others before her, she had no way back even she wanted to give up and turn back. If they caught her now, her people…
    She ran faster, tears streaking over her cheeks.
    With ease she leapt over the twisting roots of the forest, using some as springboards over the next.
    Her legs started burning. But at least the pursuers were further away now if just a little.
    Then she ran into a clearing, the moonlight shining brightly over the big but wonderful Dancing Trees.
    She stopped at the edge of the towering trees. A part of her wanted to enjoy the moment. For years she had dreamt of seeing them. Though, never under these conditions. It pained her greatly… a pang tugged at her pounding heart as her fingers touched the giant root of the one. But her mission made her straighten up. In her run her hair had come loose. The wind gently brushed through her hair.
    For the first time, she looked back.
    Numerous lights shined out of the forest. Zalia’s breath caught slightly. There were far more than even she anticipated. And the way they were fanned out, made any escape almost impossible.
    A sigh weighed down on her. Deep down a hope had been there that she could take her time to get down the mighty cliffs. But it was not to be.
    She walked to the edge of the cliff and watched the waves break far down below. Too far.
    Fear welled up in her.
    This was madness.
    But before she could turn around, she thought of her siblings. Thought of her friends. Thought of her family. And the hundreds of families that depended on her making it.
    Zalia squeezed her fists until it became painful. Then she let them go in helplessness.
    Then she jumped.
    Wind rushed past her face as the sea came closer faster than she could have imagined. She only had seconds to react.
    The crashing waves thundered below her and the urge to scream in terror was almost unbearable. But she resisted it with great effort.
    She pulled out her gleaming dagger and shouted out for its light.
    White illuminated the sea below her, and air rushed up her with immense force.
    Then water burst around her and consumed her in a split of a second.

    Stillness and pain coiled around her like a serpent of the deep. The surface with only moonlight looked like a far off dream.
    She wanted to just fade away into the dark waters.
    Then Zalia woke up and clarity returned. She almost let the air out of her lungs as the pain in her chest surged to the forefront.
    But she fought it off and swam up with all her might.
    With force, she broke the surface. A wave struck her back underwater. And she had to cling to the little air she had left in her lungs. Her feet kicked with difficulty, but again she got to the surface, gulping in a lung full of air.
    The lights of city of Nessa’Mor shone brightly on the shore. With the help of the next wave, Zalia swam closer to the sandy shore next to the lighthouse.
    A figure approached.
    Fear reignited in her heart. Her dagger flashed up and her feet shifted so she could fight.
    The figure pulled back her hood and all walls broke down in tears. Zalia leapt forward, crying like she had never cried before and embraced her best friend.
    “You made it,” Lii-ca said while her own tears spilled freely.
    Zalia just hugged the girl and said,
    “They got a chance now. They might live.”
    “Let’s go then. They are ready.”
    It was hard to suppress the emotions of the moment. But Lii-ca was right. They needed to go now before her hunters realize she had made the impossible jump. She darted after her friend into the Cliff City of Nessa’Mor. There was still more that needed to be done.
    Last edited by XCali; 05-21-2017 at 05:43 AM.

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