I found a couple minutes today to work on my dead trees. So far I just have a model and I have thrown it under some lights. I still need to work up some variance and some undergrowth etc. Then I can make a texture out of it.
Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss, your mother was a terribly attractive woman.
My Cartographer's Guild maps: Finished Maps
More maps viewable at my DeviantArt page: Ramah-Palmer DeviantArt
I found a couple minutes today to work on my dead trees. So far I just have a model and I have thrown it under some lights. I still need to work up some variance and some undergrowth etc. Then I can make a texture out of it.
My debut novel, The Final Warden is available on Amazon.com in paperback and on Kindle.
Please visit my blog for more information about my writing and my art
Please visit my sketchbook on Conceptart.org
Time for a new texture.. this one is a hand drawn mixed forest texture. Saved this as a PNG so it includes transparency. Also include a png of individual trees for doing edges and other bits of forested bits.
Last edited by Tom_Cardin; 10-11-2009 at 02:20 AM.
My debut novel, The Final Warden is available on Amazon.com in paperback and on Kindle.
Please visit my blog for more information about my writing and my art
Please visit my sketchbook on Conceptart.org
I just nabbed the original satelite-view forest, it's exactly what I need! Thanks!
I'm new here. Don't kill me, please!.
Nice stuff, Tom_Cardin. If it's okay with you I'm going to steal your latest individual trees for my Argria map; they'll save me a bunch of time sketching my own...and they look great! Repped.
Tom_Cardin I just wanted to thank you for sharing these forest textures! I have been a lurker on this site for too long, and finally registered just so I could thank you for these textures. I've been struggling to make my own maps look acceptable, and borrowing your forest textures will help a lot, I think.
So: thanks!