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Thread: Are my Tiles showing?

  1. #21


    LOL! and there I was thinking you had hand drawn every set of steps! That's a really nice symbol set you have there, then. What is it ?

    And do you mean a colonnade - a bit like a cardo?

    A bit like this?

    I think , though I'm not a proper historian, that they might have been generally linked to the buildings by a sort of sloping roof or an awning, so that the whole thing was like a dirty great big long communal porch over the area that I would call a pavement, and the Americans would probably call a sidewalk.

    Sensible idea, really, in very hot countries - a bit of shade to dodge into on either side of the road

    Weren't they also most usually found on the two main roads of the city, though?

  2. #22
    Guild Apprentice
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    LOL! and there I was thinking you had hand drawn every set of steps! That's a really nice symbol set you have there, then. What is it ?

    And do you mean a colonnade - a bit like a cardo?

    A bit like this?

    I think , though I'm not a proper historian, that they might have been generally linked to the buildings by a sort of sloping roof or an awning, so that the whole thing was like a dirty great big long communal porch over the area that I would call a pavement, and the Americans would probably call a sidewalk.

    Sensible idea, really, in very hot countries - a bit of shade to dodge into on either side of the road

    Weren't they also most usually found on the two main roads of the city, though?
    I'm actually using the Line Tool mostly to get straight, parallel and clean lines. So I guess in a sense, I am drawing it by "hand"?

    Something like a colonnade, yes. Except drawing them like that didn't look that great when I first tried it, so I've been trying some different ways of getting it to look okay. As I said, I'm not really sold on this way either. Might skip it entirely if I can't get it to work.

    Well.. kind of. The city grids came a little bit later in roman cities from what I've gathered, and while historically correct (they built really gridded cities), I wanted to make it a little bit more dynamic-looking. Quite a few of the buildings on the map do have that lower, sloping roof you mention, for shade and places for shops. They just don't extend along the entire road.

    My thought were that the finer parts of town would have them (along with sculptures etc) lining the large roads, as well as the main roads (which will be a north/south one and one that goes from the center to the east). I'm still experimenting with it, though, and I'm definitely soaking up your input here.

  3. #23


    Oh no don't change anything just because that old mouse said so! LOL!

    I'm only a Grand Master because I've made over 3000 comments. It doesn't imply that I'm any use at all, really

    You do whatever feels right to you - and yes, I do count that as drawn by hand

  4. #24
    Guild Apprentice
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    It's always good to get the perspective of others. One of the reasons for this place to begin with, if I'm not mistaken.
    Also, I've seen some of the stuff you've made, and I'd listen to your advice on most cartography subjects! Old mouse or not.

    We'll see how it goes.

  5. #25


    Aw, thanks

    Even though I'm only middle of the range around here compared to people like J.Edward, Diamond, Tainotim, Kacey, Voolf.... (the list is reeeeeeeealy long and you would fall asleep reading it) that's a really nice thing to say

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