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Thread: Igneous Isles

  1. #41


    Well Kacey knows a lot more about PS than I do, and that's not just because I haven't got PS, but because Kacey really knows quite a bit about how to 'make it sing' for her. So if you are biased towards any one set of advice, make it Kacey's rather than mine

  2. #42


    Heh, duly noted!

    Okay, so I took one of the paper textures and darkened it quite a bit, switched the ocean to Multiply and the other color layers to Overlay (@100%). I will have to re-figure out the color blending between layers - I'm not used to thinking about that! - but I think we are getting somewhere in terms of texture, color, and feel.


  3. #43


    Cleaning up the color blending. I think it's getting to final stages as to the terrain and underlying colors. Next I will try some styles for cities and towns.

  4. #44


    I'm getting kinda restless with this one. I've made a couple false starts with putting symbols or labels on it, but...I think maybe it should just remain as-is. Any suggestions?

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