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Thread: WIP Sokosa Continent Map

  1. #1

    Wip WIP Sokosa Continent Map


    I've been working on this for an RPG, set a few hundred years in the future on a partially terraformed planet. There's still a lot of work to be done, but stylistically it's getting close to what I want now.

    Next steps:
    -Rework the land outlines a bit. I want to keep most of the same except adding a bit more detail on coastlines, but I made the mistake of not distinguishing between land and polar ice when I was drawing landmasses and so I need to separate them into different layers and figure out the land under the ice.
    -Make a better heightmap. Not too hard once I have the final land outlines, but each attempt takes about an hour of rendering in wilbur so it's a bit time consuming. The current background is just just a heightmap put through PS lighting effects and then with some filters on it to try to hide the issues with the current heightmap.
    -More detailed placement of settlements and infrastructure, but this needs final heightmap.
    -A few other versions of it, such as one with more detailed political and administrative zones, a climate/vegetation map, and light versions if printing is needed.
    Last edited by esnvl; 06-04-2017 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Sunny Scotland


    Hi esnvl and welcome to the Guild. I've moved your thread to Regional/world mapping as, based on your comments, it's still a work in progress (Finished Maps is for work that you're completely done with.)

    You're off to an interesting start.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  3. #3
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Very cool - I always like these alt/dark maps. Welcome to the Guild!

  4. #4


    Today's progress:
    Map [Recovered].png
    The ice is now seperate from landmasses and I added more coastal detail and a new heightmap. Not completely satisfied with the new one either, but given the amount of time each attempt takes I think it's good enough for now. Locations and administrative areas got a bit of a rework to fit with the new terrain and I've started doing the road network, which needs a bit more thought on how to clearly display them and differentiate road types without interfering with other elements. The icon colors are completely placeholder, but it makes it a little easier to read. The dashed lines for the grid and area boundaries also need a bit of work to deal with the interference and rasterization issues.

    Bonus view:

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