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Thread: Making a continent in GIMP

  1. #21
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    Very nice, especially for your first attempt.
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  2. #22
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Your first go certainly turned out better than my first go at this style. Looks very true to what some of us here do except for the dark ring in the ocean that surrounds the landmasses. What I would do is to darken up those lighter areas of the ocean to match that dark ring...but leave the surf areas since you pretty much nailed those. Nice job.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
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  3. #23
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    oh hey, melchior, just wondering, but would you mind telling me which parts of the tutorial were hard to understand and such? that would allow me to go back and simplify those parts

    Note: i posted this, but went back to edit it and accidentally deleted it

  4. #24


    The Amusing part is going back over other times, I got confused on different parts, LOL.

    In the steps I would start out by saying you are going to create x layers. Then when you say create a layer, name it something specific. The user can change the name, but it makes it easier for them to reference which layer you are making changes too.

    At the end of each section, or couple of sections you should list the order the layers should be in, and which ones are hidden etc. There were a couple of times where I couldn't figure out the order from the text and had to move things around until I found what worked.

    At the end of the whole tutorial list all the layers, the orders, hidden or unhidden with references to the page where you discussed those layers. I know it is a pain, but it would help immensely. There tend to be a lot of layers and it's very confusing.

  5. #25


    Those are some good suggestions, and I'd bet they'd be helpful in other tutorials, also. Be thou repped.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  6. #26
    Guild Adept bryguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melchior View Post
    The Amusing part is going back over other times, I got confused on different parts, LOL.

    In the steps I would start out by saying you are going to create x layers. Then when you say create a layer, name it something specific. The user can change the name, but it makes it easier for them to reference which layer you are making changes too.

    At the end of each section, or couple of sections you should list the order the layers should be in, and which ones are hidden etc. There were a couple of times where I couldn't figure out the order from the text and had to move things around until I found what worked.

    At the end of the whole tutorial list all the layers, the orders, hidden or unhidden with references to the page where you discussed those layers. I know it is a pain, but it would help immensely. There tend to be a lot of layers and it's very confusing.
    I can do that

    And I could also go ahead and list the layer modes next to the layers so that you know if you have them in the right mode or not
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    "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many things."

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